Ilyushin IL-18D


Charter Member
FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Turboprops FS2004 Ilyushin IL-18D
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 5,656,387 Date: 11-24-2009 Downloads: 1,038
FS2004 Ilyushin IL-18D, version 1.0. This aircraft is used by Cubana de Aviacion, the bigger and older airline of Cuba, and Aerocaribbean, a regional one, for more than fourty years. This model is a full work and its flight model is very accurate to the real one. The panels for this model have been modified from the real panels with the objective to simplify the operation of the simmer and because some instrument become obsolete in time. By Edgar Guinart.
[SIZE=-1]It's something different to try out. :jump:[/SIZE]
Very nicely finished and flies well.

[SIZE=-1]Starting the beast will drive you to ...... :icon29: :icon29:[/SIZE]
This ship has an impressive pedigree. Now only if I had 100 simulated friends to fly around?
For some reason this bird freezes up for me. Have no PC or FS issues at the moment ... such a shame, it looks great! Mike :isadizzy:

Very nice plane and model.
Very good main landing gear animation and exellent contact points.
IMHO this plane deserve better sounds (inside sound certainly) and I use now the sounds of the ANtonov BK12 instead :)
BTW this aircraft is not underpowered and I can compare as I was just out of this one :)







:bump:FlightSim has an update of this to version 1.2.

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Turboprops FS2004 Ilyushin IL-18D
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 11,243,387 Date: 12-08-2009 Downloads: 666
FS2004 Ilyushin IL-18D, v1.2. This aircraft have four paints, Cubana de Aviacion old colors, Cubana de Aviacion classic colors, Aerocaribbean and a white template for repainters. This model is a full work and its flight model is very accurate. The panel has been modificated from the real with the objective to simplify the operations for one pilot. Includes Spanish/English manuals. By Edgar Guinart. (Previous version had 1640 downloads)[/SIZE]
Some of us still fly on those obsolete instruments. I would love to se a panel with the old instruments still on it.
If you have a look at AVSIM.RU in the panels section there is recently released Il -18 panel.

Regards Paul Day.
Thanks Paul, I missed that!

панель КВС Ил-18 модель v 2.1 | Оценка: 5! FS2004 Панели самолетов

- Скриншот 1 Представляю на Ваш суд приборную панель командира лайнера Ил-18.
В своей работе я старался соблюсти максимальный реализм размещения и состав приборного оборудования на панели КВС настолько, насколько это возможно в рамках модели.
Использовано все лучшее и самое подходящее, что нашел на сайте, спасибо всем разработчикам систем и приборов. Приборы гидросистемы тормозов и автомата торможения установлены для антуража и логика их работы, возможно, не соответствует реальной.
» Имя файла:
» Размер: 15 383kb
» Дата: 3 недели назад (14.11.2009 17:21 MSK)
» Автор: Вадим Ситников
» Прислал: Миль (прислал 11 файлов)
» Лицензия: Freeware - Бесплатная версия, распространение не ограничено
» Скачан: 349 раз Комментарии (4) | Просмотреть архив | Скачать
I installed the panel update and interesting enough, all I see is the lower half of a panel including
the steering wheel, no upper half with the gauges. The folders are interesting though, a panel
folder with a yoke 18 subfolder. The readme (instuctions) are in russian so I'm at a loss.
Don't know why I am viewing only the lower half of the instrument panel. Before the update
everything was fine.....
Very nice aircraft. I'd love to see the Mr. Guinart do an IL-38 "May" ASW/patrol aircraft which was based on the IL-18. Not much of a stretch from what he's already accomplished here. :)

Old, but better than nothing.

Самолет Ил-38 для Microsoft FS2004. | Оценка: 1.2! FS2004 Оригинальные самолеты

- Скриншот 1 Самолет Ил-38, сборный пакет доработаный для Microsoft FS2004. Визуальная модель и текстуры (для трафика): Илья Лактюшин. Панель и звуки: проект URTT_IL18D_V1_3. Динамка: проект URTT_IL18D_V2_1.
С благодарностью всем авторам.
» Имя файла:
» Размер: 17 830kb
» Дата: 2 года назад (13.09.2007 14:44 MSK)
» Автор: Victor AKA Vic
» Прислал: washsim (прислал 1 файл)
» Лицензия: Freeware - Бесплатная версия, распространение не ограничено
» Скачан: 2253 раза Комментарии (7) | Просмотреть архив | Скачать