I'm baaaack !!!!


Charter Member 2016
Did y'all miss me? Don't answer that.:wavey: Anyway, after a couple weeks of PC withdrawal, I'm back. My 1 year old hard drive blew up a couple weeks ago and it has been a hassle dealing with life in general, let alone not simming. Being retired, I had to do some clever $$ juggling to round up the funds for a new drive. Then what happened but a shortage of drives due to the massive flooding in Thailand. Not only are they rationing the buggers around here, the prices have jumped up over 50% -- requiring yet more $$ juggling.

Once that mess was fixed, I was faced with recovering all the data (planes, scenery, effects, sounds, etc.) amassed over the past year. Fortunately, over 99% was recovered with only a few small irritating bits following the new fs9 install. Now I'm back in the cockpit and reving up the engines -- so to speak.

Enough of the "woe is me" stuff. Here's the Shockwave bits for the awesome c-11.

Aircraft.cfg Entries:

wake = fx_wake
concrete = fx_sparks
touchdown= fx_tchdwn_s, 1
startup= fx_msd18s
windshield_rain_effect_available = 1

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0=3, -18.950, 0.000, 1.131, fx_shockwave_navwhi_l_old
light.1=3, -0.000, -15.32, -0.100, fx_shockwave_navred_nl
light.2=3, -0.000, 15.32, -0.100, fx_shockwave_navgre_nl
light.3=5, 2.900, -7.486, -0.994, fx_shockwave_landing_light_tail_old
light.4=2, -0.000, -15.32, -0.100, fx_shockwave_strobe_nl
light.5=2, -0.000, 15.32, -0.100, fx_shockwave_strobe_nl_3
light.6 = 4, -0.000, 0.00, 0.50, fx_shockwave_vclight,

//------------ ExhaustFlames--------
//index,type, long, lat, vert, fx_filename
light.7=3, 0.20, 0.66, -2.64, fx_V12_IDLE_starb
light.8=3, 0.20, 0.66, -2.64, fx_V12_MAX_starb
light.9=3, 0.20, 0.66, -2.64, fx_V12_Exhaust
light.10=3, 0.20, -0.66, -2.64, fx_V12_IDLE_starb
light.11=3, 0.20, -0.66, -2.64, fx_V12_MAX_starb
light.11=3, 0.20, -0.66, -2.64, fx_V12_Exhaust

I must say this is a great little beast to get up to speed with. Love all the slick liveries hitting the tarmac.

I do have one question: I don't have a visible prop blur. Did anyone address this while I was in the isolation ward?
Welcome back racartron! Sorry to hear about your HD woes....been there many times before myself. After reading your post, I took a look at HD prices on Newegg....and boy have they gone up! The same 500gig Western Digital Caviar Black that my brother-in-law ordered 6 months ago for $56 is now over $120. I was planning on purchasing a new 1T HD to replace my old 120gig external drive as my archiving/back up drive...but I think I will wait a while until prices come back down.

Did I miss you? No, I hardly noticed that you were gone! Welcome back!
Awesome, thanks for the lights for the C-11!
Welcome back Racartron. That sounds a bit of a nightmare, but glad you are sorted & back in the asylum with the rest of us.