I'm debating....


Charter Member
...whether this would be a good buy...

... I dunno, looks temping....

...Lots of time in CFS2 and FS9, so I dunno...
I got it for Christmas.....I debated over and over as to how much time I really had for it...Downloaded the demo and played it for a while...

Ended up returning it..Now I wish I had kept it as there is good help now for it here

I regestered at the X-Plane forums and found it to be not so friendly..That help lead to my decission to return it too...

Hmmm I was just looking thru some of my software and found X-Plane 8.......
I bought it from x-plane.org for $39. and it came with a really nice Comanche 250, and a $5. off certificate for other purchases. I used that last night on a Corsair.

Its like getting a car by another manufacturer.. Turn signals are in a diff plane, panels look a little different, controls are different (keyboard layout).

Thats the main hurtle.

But, for instance, with Map view, this darn thing has like 5 different versions of maps, lol.. Its got alot in it.. But its nothing like FS.. Its 'different'.

So you are warned...


I picked it up for vectored thrust aircraft. There is a nice Osprey and a bunch of Harriers (all free). Those I have enjoyed.
I picked it up for vectored thrust aircraft. There is a nice Osprey and a bunch of Harriers (all free). Those I have enjoyed.

What's the secret to the Harriers? I downloaded the AV-8A but can't get it to take off vertically. Is it not supposed to? I give it full throttle, and it lifts off, but then falls back to the ground.
