Charter Member
Just a few words for those who may wonder what the heck is going on with me...
About a month ago, I developed an acute case of lateral epicondylalgia, or epicondylitis, better known as "tennis elbow".
It struck in my left arm (I don't play tennis and I'm right-handed btw...
) . For those who had that thing, you know how much it hurts. For those who don't; It hurts like hell!!!:isadizzy:
So far, I've had three relapses, each one as painful as the preceding, if not worst. It involves the elbow, of course, but the pain irradiates up to the shoulder and neck and, down, to the tip of my fingers.
Those who know me a bit know that I'm a two-fingers typist. Every time I use one of my left-hand fingers to push the shift key, all the muscles and ligaments and tendons and... whatever you can think of, starts to hurt in this arm.
So, no flying, no building things, no nothing involving that part of my feeble anatomy. This message is already getting too long to my taste
I'll be back... eventually...:salute:
About a month ago, I developed an acute case of lateral epicondylalgia, or epicondylitis, better known as "tennis elbow".
It struck in my left arm (I don't play tennis and I'm right-handed btw...

So far, I've had three relapses, each one as painful as the preceding, if not worst. It involves the elbow, of course, but the pain irradiates up to the shoulder and neck and, down, to the tip of my fingers.
Those who know me a bit know that I'm a two-fingers typist. Every time I use one of my left-hand fingers to push the shift key, all the muscles and ligaments and tendons and... whatever you can think of, starts to hurt in this arm.
So, no flying, no building things, no nothing involving that part of my feeble anatomy. This message is already getting too long to my taste

I'll be back... eventually...:salute: