I'm looking for a couple of textures...


Charter Member
Hey all,
I am trying to find a couple of LVA skins for Stuart Green's excellent Fokker D.VII. I am thinking they were done by Huub Vink. IIRC they had something to do with a Lt.Versteegh and 'vijf vingers aan een hand'

One skin will be for the olive green one and another skin is silver and black. I have looked all over the place but I cannot find them to save my life. Any help will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)
I am also looking for a couple of skins for the D.VII done by Caz Dalton as well. I think he made two of them and one had some sort of hand on it; from the Polish Air Force. I couldn't find them anywhere. Again any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.
Bump...Here's a couple screenshots I found on the web: I'm certain I didn't hallucinate them...;)
