Charter Member
Implementing reverse pitch with a button/switch in the Manfred Jahn Connies
In reply to a question posted over in the FSUIPC forums by someone
wishing to be able to implement the reverse pitch activation
on the Manfred Jahn Constellations, I decided to look into the
possibility out of curiosity.
In the process I found a simple solution for that user and posted
a set of instructions for setting any switch or button available
on a stick or throttle to activate reverse pitch through the
facilities contained in FSUIPC.
For those of you that might like to do the same, here are the details:
The L-1049H uses a local variable, L
ropeller reverse, bool, to indicate
the reverse state to the rest of the code. The right-click of the mouse
on the red reverse throttle handles toggles this variable.
This L1049H does not respond to FS 'standard' "F2" to enter/implement prop reverse.
You can implement your desired switch function to enter prop reverse
by creating a MCRO file in FSUIPC to toggle the L:Var "L
ropeller reverse"
and assign that macro control to your switch via the FSUIPC Buttons & Switches
Here's how:
1. Create a file "L1049H.MCRO" using notepad
2. Cut & paste the following lines into the file:
ropeller reverse=TOGGLE
3. Close the file and save it in your "Modules" folder.
4. Start FSX and load the L1049H
5. Open the FSUIPC menu in the "Addons" dropdown menu
6. Open the Buttons + Switches menu
7. "Check" the "Aircraft specific?" box.
8. Activate the button or switch you wish to assign to the reverse function
9. "Check" "Select for FS control"
10. Look down the list until you find the entry "L1049H:L
ropeller Reverse Tgl"
11. Click this selection and then "OK".
To test:
12. Back in flight on the runway, advance the throttles to get rolling
13. Pull back the throttles to minimum thrust, hit your "Reverse" switch
Note the red handles movement.
14. Advance the throttles to increase the RPM. Note that only the red handles move.
15. Pull throttles back to minimum to exit the reverse prop pitch condition
I have implemented this using the detent switch on one of my
Saitek Pro Throttle Quadrant axis ( I have 2 quads ).
As soon as I pull the throttles to idle and then pull the #4
throttle into the switch dentent, I enter the reverse pitch state. Exit is by the 'normal' method...throttles back to idle
after the 'reverse advance' and then forward to resume
normal operation.
Note that this implementation is done strictly within the
facilities of FSUIPC and does not involve any changes or
modifications to the Connie gauges.
This method should also work with the L-749 and L-1649A V2.2
by the same design team ( Splendid job, folks!! )
In reply to a question posted over in the FSUIPC forums by someone
wishing to be able to implement the reverse pitch activation
on the Manfred Jahn Constellations, I decided to look into the
possibility out of curiosity.
In the process I found a simple solution for that user and posted
a set of instructions for setting any switch or button available
on a stick or throttle to activate reverse pitch through the
facilities contained in FSUIPC.
For those of you that might like to do the same, here are the details:
The L-1049H uses a local variable, L
the reverse state to the rest of the code. The right-click of the mouse
on the red reverse throttle handles toggles this variable.
This L1049H does not respond to FS 'standard' "F2" to enter/implement prop reverse.
You can implement your desired switch function to enter prop reverse
by creating a MCRO file in FSUIPC to toggle the L:Var "L
and assign that macro control to your switch via the FSUIPC Buttons & Switches
Here's how:
1. Create a file "L1049H.MCRO" using notepad
2. Cut & paste the following lines into the file:
3. Close the file and save it in your "Modules" folder.
4. Start FSX and load the L1049H
5. Open the FSUIPC menu in the "Addons" dropdown menu
6. Open the Buttons + Switches menu
7. "Check" the "Aircraft specific?" box.
8. Activate the button or switch you wish to assign to the reverse function
9. "Check" "Select for FS control"
10. Look down the list until you find the entry "L1049H:L
11. Click this selection and then "OK".
To test:
12. Back in flight on the runway, advance the throttles to get rolling
13. Pull back the throttles to minimum thrust, hit your "Reverse" switch
Note the red handles movement.
14. Advance the throttles to increase the RPM. Note that only the red handles move.
15. Pull throttles back to minimum to exit the reverse prop pitch condition
I have implemented this using the detent switch on one of my
Saitek Pro Throttle Quadrant axis ( I have 2 quads ).
As soon as I pull the throttles to idle and then pull the #4
throttle into the switch dentent, I enter the reverse pitch state. Exit is by the 'normal' method...throttles back to idle
after the 'reverse advance' and then forward to resume
normal operation.
Note that this implementation is done strictly within the
facilities of FSUIPC and does not involve any changes or
modifications to the Connie gauges.
This method should also work with the L-749 and L-1649A V2.2
by the same design team ( Splendid job, folks!! )