Impressions from Italy

Co-incidentally I was looking at ISD Project's excellent Malpensa scenery over the weekend!
The LAGO stuff is no longer available is it?
MI-24 and MI-8 €19.99 each. Ha, I managed to find a boxed double pack at the back of a shelf at PC world for 48 pence :icon_lol:
MI-24 and MI-8 €19.99 each. Ha, I managed to find a boxed double pack at the back of a shelf at PC world for 48 pence :icon_lol:

Found similar stuff in my PC World :d

Fighters (Mig21, MB339, G91) £4.97
Copters (Mil24 & Mil8) £4.97
Rome Scenery £4.97
FSEnhancer £4.97
MadDog 97p

Not as cheap, but still a fine bargain.

I've since picked up many, almost all of them from e-bay, Amazon, etc.

There was a patch online somewhere that added the two seater to the G91, have no idea where though, cloud 9 forums I think.

I bought the Copters (Mil24 & Mil8) pack myself from pc world for about £1, but i dont use it much, Piglets freeware Mil24 is a better model IMHO, i saw the fighters pack but for some reason i didnt buy it, which is a shame as i'd really like a good G91, the old Lago one still seems to be the best one out there.
cheers ian
I also like Piglets Mi24. Avery nice made model and it's "for free" ;-) It brings more fun to fly as the Nemeth Hind (but this one was realy worth the money !)

btw The Lago "Gina" ist still the best. It has a very detailed cockpit and isn't easy to fly sometimes. Also starting the engine needs patience ;-)

Could'nt help myself :icon_lol:, i went to Rome for a few days back in March, the pic is taken from the top of the Vittorio Emanuele Monument and the plane is Manuele's fantastic S73, Photo shop can be fun.
cheers ian