Improvements to ETO Expansion Scenery and where do I start?


Charter Member
Every year improvements to ETO and other Theatres have been offered to improve them by fellows I cannot thank enough.

My problem is which one to try first and how do I do without messy up ("Butterfingers!"

I have picked the newest ones to start with but I know there are others:

New CFS3_Environment_v2o_ETO as an example


Adkors_ Shaders.

The opinions of the members would be appreciated?

every single mod in your list is worthied sir !! it will not messed up your cfs3 ! don't forget to use HD clouds by aris for best clouds from here : Party/Aris WOFF HD Cloud Textures.rar

and start modifiying your configoverride.xml for getting better in-game quality (it's in document settings user..find microsoft folder in it and edit those file then save it):

<aircraftmodels Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<compositeterrain Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<compositeterrainsource Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<effects Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<hud Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<nonaircraftmodels Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<precompiledterrain Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<shadows Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<ui Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<uncategorized Scale="0" MaxDim="4096"/>
<DisableWarningBoxes val="n"/>
<DisableSound val="n"/>
<DisableIntroMovie val="n"/>
<DisableMovieUI val="n"/>
<DisableUIAnimations val="n"/>
<SafeMode val="n"/>
<NoDXT1 val="n"/>
<NoDXT3 val="n"/>
<NoDXT5 val="n"/>
<DisableIndexBuffers val="n"/>
<DisableVertexBuffers val="n"/>
<Disable1600x1200 val="n"/>
<Disable1280x1024 val="n"/>
<Disable1024x768 val="n"/>
<DualPassRender val="n"/>
<HighResolutionZBuffer val="y"/>
<TerrainDetailTexture val="y"/>
<DisableWindowed val="n"/>
<DisableValidateDevice val="y"/>
<DisableWriteOnlyVB val="n"/>
<DisableWriteOnlyIB val="n"/>
<DisableTriangleStrips val="n"/>
<UnsupportedHardware val="n"/>
<UnsupportedDriver val="n"/>
<DisableCompositeTerrainTextureMips val="n"/>
<DisableCompositeTerrainTextures val="n"/>
<DisableCompositeGroundPlaneTextures val="n"/>
<DisableCompositeAircraftTextures val="n"/>
<DisableScenery val="n"/>
<DisableEnvironmentMapping val="n"/>
<DisableShadows val="n"/>
<DisableWhiteOut val="n"/>
<DisableTerrainLighting val="n"/>
<DisableSceneryLighting val="n"/>
<DisableSun val="n"/>
<DisableStars val="n"/>
<DisableRenderText val="n"/>
<DisableLabels val="n"/>
<DisableTacticalDisplay val="n"/>
<DisableTargetCone val="n"/>
<DisableHUD val="n"/>
<DisableChat val="n"/>
<DisableAdvisor val="n"/>
<DisableSimWarnings val="n"/>
<DisableTimeCompress val="n"/>
<DisableWeather val="n"/>
<DisableClouds val="n"/>
<DisableBlendToOffscreen val="n"/>
<DisableClear val="n"/>
<DisableTerrainRender val="n"/>
<DisableTerrainUpdate val="n"/>
<DisableSceneDBRender val="n"/>
<DisableWaterRender val="n"/>
<DisableWaterShorelineRender val="n"/>
<DisableWaterReflectionRender val="n"/>
<DisableWaterAnimationRender val="n"/>
<DisableTerrainTextureRingBlend val="n"/>
<DisableFog val="n"/>
<DisableRain val="n"/>
<DisableTexturedAlphaMaterial val="n"/>
<DisableShellCasings val="n"/>
<DisableTerrainDiffuseLighting val="n"/>
<DisableTerrainDecalRender val="n"/>
<DisableVCFog val="n"/>
<DisableInCloudEffect val="n"/>
<DisablePropDiscs val="n"/>
<CompositeAircraftTextureBudget val="10192"/>
<CompositeAircraftTextureMaxDim val="4096"/>
<CompositeAircraftTexturePool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>
<CompositeAircraftTextureUsage val="D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET"/>
<CompositeTerrainTextureBudget val="five"/>
<VertexBufferPool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>
<IndexBufferPool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>
<PreCompiledTerrainTextureBudget val="five"/>
<UserShadowTextureBudget val="1"/>
<AIShadowTextureBudget val="10"/>
<ObjectShadowTextureBudget val="512"/>
<UserShadowSize val="512"/>
<AIShadowSize val="512"/>
<ObjectShadowSize val="512"/>
<MaxParticles val="50000"/>
<ZBiasBitsResolution val="24"/>
<ZBiasTerrainDecal val="0"/>
<ZBiasWaterPolyNear val="1"/>
<ZBiasWaterPolyFar val="0"/>
<ZBiasWaterLineNear val="1"/>
<ZBiasWaterLineFar val="0"/>
<ZBiasFlatEffects val="25"/>
<ZBiasShadow val="0"/>
<ZBiasTerrainAlphaNear val="0"/>
<ZBiasTerrainAlphaFar val="0"/>
<ZBiasObject val="0"/>
<ZBiasObjectFar val="0"/>
<ZBiasEffects val="1"/>
<ZBiasClouds val="1"/>
<TerrainVertexBufferCapacity val="46384"/>
<TerrainIndexBufferCapacity val="52768"/>
<VertexCacheSize val="512"/>
<BackClipDist val="328748"/>
<InteriorWaterLoadingFactor val="0.800000011920929"/>
<WaterDetailTextureSize val="8"/>
<WaterElevationBias val="4"/>
<WaterElevationBiasFactor val="0.5"/>
<NearPassBackClipDist val="13200"/>
<FarPassNearClipDist val="13000"/>
<FogStartDist val="128748"/>
<CloudScale val="10"/>
<TerrainBestImageQuality val="5"/>
<MaxLandClassVariations val="5"/>
<TerrainMaxBlenderInstPerFrameNear val="512"/>
<TerrainMaxBlenderInstPerFrameFar val="512"/>
<SceneryTriangleBudget val="five"/>
<TerrainTriangleBudget val="five"/>
<MaxModelLOD val="250"/>
<FullscreenSwapEffect val="D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD"/>
<CompositeTerrainTexturePool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>
<CompositeTerrainTextureUsage val="D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET"/>
<TextMaxTextures val="five"/>
<OverallGraphicDetail val="5"/>
<AircraftDetail val="5"/>
<SceneryDetail val="5"/>
<TerrainDetail val="5"/>
<EffectsQuality val="5"/>
<CloudsQuality val="5"/>

Hope this help you
I use the WOFF terrain and the results are spectacular (particularly in cities and towns). However, it makes switching between seasons a bit complicated and I think one has to retain certain airfield textures, etc. I started doing a step-by-step procedure the last time I installed but I got distracted and never properly documented it. :-(
I use the WOFF terrain and the results are spectacular (particularly in cities and towns). However, it makes switching between seasons a bit complicated and I think one has to retain certain airfield textures, etc. I started doing a step-by-step procedure the last time I installed but I got distracted and never properly documented it. :-(

i need that mate !! :biggrin-new:
Careful there. My CFS3 Environment 2.0 and Ankor's shaders don't play nice together. Don't use the shaders xml or water files from CFS3 Environment if you are using Ankor's mod. If you don't want to mess only installing certain parts of a mod and just choose one or the other, pick Ankor's, it is many times better.