Inaccurate Airspeed


The airspeed indicator gauge in my British cockpits in ETO are reading a much lower speed than the aircraft is travelling.
Only British cockpits (not American or German). Only ETO (not MAW).
This problem suddenly appeared, I know this was not the case yesterday.
Any suggestions?
Some aircraft also have gauges marked out in knots, which could also make you think you have a problem if you thought it read mph.
Thanks for the replies, guys.
The difference between the gauge and the actual airspeed is too great to be accounted for by either conversion to knots or indicated airspeed. When traveling at about 70 mph the indicator reads almost 170 mph.


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I think that I figured it out.
I recently downloaded the TOW Mosquito NF MKII and the file contains a different scale than the stock file.