All points are valid. Just to repeat mine with a little more backup.
Although this is primarily an end-user forum many end-users are also pseudo developers, aka modders.
And this is their home website so discussion and updates on a mod project tend to all take place here.
Also many developers use it as free advertising of upcoming projects as they reveal the progress in hopes
of generating pre-sale interest or when seeking assistance (information, opinions, suggestions, beta testers, etc.)
from the forum members.
There are already 51 pages of discussion in the new three-month old "v5" section with the oldest talking
about v4 scenery compatibility. There are 71 pages in the nine-year old "Prepar3D V1-4" titled section.
Seems like it would be easier to simply change the name of the earlier section to "Prepar3D V1-3" and be done with it.
There is bound to be some overlap but it will eventually fall back so that it doesn't matter. And if people
can be bothered enough to use the forum search feature they should be able to find what they need.
Or start a new thread in the appropriate section.
The longer it takes for some resolution the less likely there is to be any. Maybe that is the plan?