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Let me say that I find this subgroup quite inconsistent. There is a fundamental difference between versions 1 to 3 and version 4: the PBR. I do not see the usefulness. It would have been better to separate the 32 and 64 bit versions than this operation which does not meet any criteria satisfying from a technical point of view! So its attendance seems confidential.

Really weird ...

Let me say that I find this subgroup quite inconsistent. There is a fundamental difference between versions 1 to 3 and version 4: the PBR. I do not see the usefulness. It would have been better to separate the 32 and 64 bit versions than this operation which does not meet any criteria satisfying from a technical point of view! So its attendance seems confidential.

Really weird ...

I said the same thing the day after the breakup. 32-bit vs 64-bit should have been the cutoff.
Let me say that I find this subgroup quite inconsistent. There is a fundamental difference between versions 1 to 3 and version 4: the PBR. I do not see the usefulness. It would have been better to separate the 32 and 64 bit versions than this operation which does not meet any criteria satisfying from a technical point of view! So its attendance seems confidential.

Really weird ...


Agree 150%!

Under consideration, positive reactions from the Admins to date, still a couple to come onboard yet.
Patience is a virtue.
Under consideration, positive reactions from the Admins to date, still a couple to come onboard yet.
Patience is a virtue.

Not sure if it is a possibility with the forum software but I also belong to a motorcycle forum where we can add a prefix for which state we're in ( QLd is even maroon! ) . It puts these little boxes with QLD in it before the thread title. The primary issue in splitting it 32 bit V 64 bit is that V5 is different to v4.5 as is PBR for each as well. There may still be a need to de-lineate between versions.

Anyway big thanks to the poor fella/fella-ette that has to do the change over... that is some serious behind the scenes stuff to do! :encouragement::very_drunk:
Not sure if it is a possibility with the forum software but I also belong to a motorcycle forum where we can add a prefix for which state we're in ( QLd is even maroon! ) . It puts these little boxes with QLD in it before the thread title. The primary issue in splitting it 32 bit V 64 bit is that V5 is different to v4.5 as is PBR for each as well. There may still be a need to de-lineate between versions.

Anyway big thanks to the poor fella/fella-ette that has to do the change over... that is some serious behind the scenes stuff to do! :encouragement::very_drunk:

v4/v5 are both 64-bit and PBR.

v1/v2/v3 were all 32-bit and PBR wasn't even a thing for P3D back then.

That's the logical cutoff.
Just my two bits here but...

Recognizing that there is a ton of work involved re-tasking forums and the like, I think it may become evident very quickly that V5 is an entirely different animal all together. Whereas V4 went 64bit PBR, it was still a bit entry level for devs wanting to move in that direction.

From a design standpoint V5 PBR is so different than anything that went before, it actually requires a complete re-think of the rendering mechanics of the simulator. The art is completely different, the engine does a tremendous amount of the work we used to bake in, and much more.

I agree a separation between Versions 1-3 and the 64 bit cousins is necessary. That agreed upon, in my opinion V5 represents such a major break away from any of the predecessors, it might possibly be appropriate to view it as an entirely separate category.

Just my opinion, but something to consider.
What should we think, that apart from P3DV5, nothing is worth looking into and putting P3D V4.5 away ?
v4/v5 are both 64-bit and PBR.

v1/v2/v3 were all 32-bit and PBR wasn't even a thing for P3D back then.

That's the logical cutoff.
Ahh sorry I'm going to have to semi - disagree. The PBR and gauge and code changes between 4.5 and 5.0 are such that there is a need to have a difference. From a developers point of view. and that is the key.

Is SOH an end user only forum where support isnt required by devs or questions being answered by other end users ? Then agree your cut off makes sense.

However if you get the... "CE westland lysander gauges not showing up in P3d PBR" thread then is that 4.5 pbr or 5.0 pbr? Is that 4.5 Gauge coding or 5.0 gauge coding? Is that 4.5 export or 5.0 export ? Which version of simconnect is being used? ETC. But again that is from a dev/end user support side.

A combined P3d forum with tags could work .

[p3d v2.5 ] title of thread
[P3d v5.0 ] title of thread
[P3d v4.5 ] title of thread.

However that poor admin...

GastonJ : I still run 4.5 over 5.0 all the time. It doesnt crash it looks better and is quicker to develop in. I do wonder how many people are using v1 - 3 however. I think I've had one email about 2.5 support in the last 2 years.

I think a combined P3D forum would be the best choice. I agree with you!
But it seems to me that the majority of the posts to this forum are "end user", "advertisement/discussions" of commercial and free products. Maybe I am wrong!

All points are valid. Just to repeat mine with a little more backup.

Although this is primarily an end-user forum many end-users are also pseudo developers, aka modders.
And this is their home website so discussion and updates on a mod project tend to all take place here.
Also many developers use it as free advertising of upcoming projects as they reveal the progress in hopes
of generating pre-sale interest or when seeking assistance (information, opinions, suggestions, beta testers, etc.)
from the forum members.

There are already 51 pages of discussion in the new three-month old "v5" section with the oldest talking
about v4 scenery compatibility. There are 71 pages in the nine-year old "Prepar3D V1-4" titled section.
Seems like it would be easier to simply change the name of the earlier section to "Prepar3D V1-3" and be done with it.

There is bound to be some overlap but it will eventually fall back so that it doesn't matter. And if people
can be bothered enough to use the forum search feature they should be able to find what they need.
Or start a new thread in the appropriate section.

The longer it takes for some resolution the less likely there is to be any. Maybe that is the plan?
Just my two bits here but...

Recognizing that there is a ton of work involved re-tasking forums and the like, I think it may become evident very quickly that V5 is an entirely different animal all together. Whereas V4 went 64bit PBR, it was still a bit entry level for devs wanting to move in that direction.

From a design standpoint V5 PBR is so different than anything that went before, it actually requires a complete re-think of the rendering mechanics of the simulator. The art is completely different, the engine does a tremendous amount of the work we used to bake in, and much more.

I agree a separation between Versions 1-3 and the 64 bit cousins is necessary. That agreed upon, in my opinion V5 represents such a major break away from any of the predecessors, it might possibly be appropriate to view it as an entirely separate category.

Just my opinion, but something to consider.

The work isn't that huge really. Especially since the Prepar3D boards aren't that populated yet (compared to FS9 and FSX) Every IT guy with some knowledge of scripting could do the work in a working day. And that is taking things with a huge margin.

How about one big Prepar3D board with three sub boards:

