Information needed


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Can any one tell me what programs I need to build an aircraft, to paint it, to make an air file, to make a panel, to make a sound file, to make an aircraft cfg file, to make my own complete airport and scenery, to make my own flight plans, and everything I need to import in to Flight Simulator? Please

Also, can anyone tell me how I can have multiple monitors show a different view at the same time? Please
I'd like to second Roger's request if I could. I have the Capt Sim F-104 on my machine and it's a great product. My problem is that while it models a number of variations on the basic aircraft, there are still some others that could be had (i.e., c/l tank (or recce pod) plus tip tanks only, tip tanks plus four AIM-9s, tip tanks plus 2 bombs vs 4 bombs, etc etc). If I could figure out a way to model these a number of additional variations could be added to the basic package.
To build an aircraft:
GMAX or FSDS (Flight Simulator Design Studio) 3.5.

To Paint said aircraft:
DXTBmp for conversions, Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro or Gimp for texturing.

To make an air file:
Lot of patience, and notepad works just fine. Might also want Aired or AirWrench for tweaking the .air files.

FSPanel Studio and a bitmap manipulator like PSP or Photoshop.

Audacity Editor, Notepad, or FSSound Editor.

Airports and scenery:
Gmax or FSDS, Airport Design Editor, Sbuilder, Library files out the wazoo from Flightsim or Avsim...

Flight Plans:
Notepad, AI Traffic Manager, AI Airport Enhancer, or any one of a dozen traffic programs on Flightsim or Avsim.

Lots and Lots of patience, coffee, forum reading, and hair pulling...

Good luck.
I'd like to second Roger's request if I could. I have the Capt Sim F-104 on my machine and it's a great product. My problem is that while it models a number of variations on the basic aircraft, there are still some others that could be had (i.e., c/l tank (or recce pod) plus tip tanks only, tip tanks plus four AIM-9s, tip tanks plus 2 bombs vs 4 bombs, etc etc). If I could figure out a way to model these a number of additional variations could be added to the basic package.

Just for clarification, you cannot alter an aircraft file in this way (even if you have all the skills) unless you have the original gmax or FSDS source files. Most authors do not share the source.

You can however build what you want with as many variants as you like with the skill set discussed.

If you are doing the complete aircraft package, you can figure on at least 1600-2000 hours to do the exterior and interior modeling (on more complicated aircraft like the 104), the panel and gauges, the sounds, textures, and flight model. Add a few more hundred hours for all the variants.
Don't forget tons of time sent doing research on your subject. Collecting images if you are modeling, reading books and web documents if you are doing the flight dynamics and finally testing, testing and some more testing intermingled with reworking your package before you go testing again.

The best option IMHO is to find a partner or more and work together as a team. Split up the tasks and you stand a much better chance at finishing.

And of course start simple and work your way up the difficulty scale.

No surprises here re: the replies - so I've got to make some decisions here about my anticipated project. That being said, this just puts me further in respect for those of you who are quite successful at these things. The stats re: time in particular are enlightening, and daunting. It's been said on another forum but is worth repeating here- you who do this for the rest of us are due a huge amount of thanks for your efforts. I salute you!:salute:
Don't let some of those number intimidate you. If you have the time (and maybe even some talent), by all means give it a shot! I would have tried it years ago, but I know myself well enough to know that I'd be WAY too critical of my own work to ever be happy with anything I ever tried to build.

From the slow-system-friendly low poly planes of Mike Stone to the super-detailed, nothing-left-out releases from Boeing master Hiroshi Igami and his group, all freeware development will always be welcome!
Whilst it might seem daunting, the main hurdle is motivation, if you have that, you'll do it. Oh, and an understanding wife and kids. So add free time to that, lol. With those two sorted, your unstoppable. Just look at the projects here as an example of what can be achieved. Experienced modellers like Milton to new talent like Doug. With help anything is possible.

I'm in your same situation. I've narrowed it down to GMAX and repaints and even that might be too much. Anyhow, don't overlook the designer forums here at the SOH. There are some good tutorials and links. :wavey: