Installed CFS-3 and patched, what next?



Hi, bought CFS-3, patched. Please forgive me for being ignorant, but shouldn't there be a sticky as to the patching, and where the download is located for the CFS into FF? The main cite had downloads for screen savers, but I do not see the download as to patch CSF-3 into FF. That cite directs one to this forum but no initial information as to the conversion. For a new guy, I would (not complaining what so ever but being direct), like to see a sticky as to how to bring CFS up to speed and convert it into FFields. Sorry to sound like a whiner but it would make it easier for noobs to get up and running. Pop into the forum, ready the sticky, follow directions, and get hur dune. Thank you for listening. :ernae:

there is no further free download available for "Over Flanders Fields" phase 2. You have to ask in the sticky thread for someone who may be willing to send a phase 2 DVD to you. Since phase 2 is not longer available officially, it is not officially supported anymore.

There maybe still some info on phase 2 here:

If you already have a DVD with the phase 2 patches to install, you will have to run the patches according to what is mentioned in the readmes, which is basically:
Read the OFF readme, at Pol's site.
Run CFS3 once, and play a mission.
Install the patches, main file, video file, and the patches, last one is 1.9e.
Run the configuration program, and that's it.

You will have to pay for the successor "Over Flanders Fields" phase 3 "Between Heaven and Hell" though, so no free download and no free DVD to send for this sim.

Catfish, thank you for the warm welcome and prompt response. I appreciate this forum and the very hard work that has gone into the fantastic improvements with CFS-3 in turning it into an award winning WW-1 sim. Reading through the posts on this this forum, I find this forum, the members and quality top notch. All the more reason to become a flyer using this sim. Really looking forwards to Phase 3, but for now cut my teeth on phase 2. I am sure there is good reasons in the structure of the forum and want to start off on a good foot. Thank you for setting up this forum and should be in the skies soon getting soaked with castor oil!
Hi Zorro,
Welcome to the OFF Community! IF you are running Windows XP and you get your DVD of OFF (go to the DVD requests sticky at the top of the main page and ask for one) let me know. I have worked up detailed instructions (with pictures) for installing OFF and making it work without problems. Maybe I should post them but most noobs nowadays are running Vista, so I haven't.

Hi, bought CFS-3, patched. Please forgive me for being ignorant, but shouldn't there be a sticky as to the patching, and where the download is located for the CFS into FF? The main cite had downloads for screen savers, but I do not see the download as to patch CSF-3 into FF. That cite directs one to this forum but no initial information as to the conversion. For a new guy, I would (not complaining what so ever but being direct), like to see a sticky as to how to bring CFS up to speed and convert it into FFields. Sorry to sound like a whiner but it would make it easier for noobs to get up and running. Pop into the forum, ready the sticky, follow directions, and get hur dune. Thank you for listening. :ernae:
Bye- The by, . . No longer available for download
and this link will provide more info than you want

PS. . . it's also in a STICKY :ernae:
You guys work fast. A member pm'd me and is sending me the DVD Phase 2. you guys do not fool around! I figured such as the tone of this forum is excellent! You guys are a great bunch! Thank you!