Installing a disc with OFF2 on it. An idiot proof list please?



Installing a disc with OFF2 on it. An idiot proof list please?

Is there, out there, an easy to understand, tabulated list of instructions to follow so that I can open and install the OFF2 disc?
Maybe I'm in a section of the wannabee desktop pilots of one.
All I know is that a nice shiny disc without a complete list of instructions, leaves me with a nice shiny coffee-mug mat!!!
Just looking at the FAQ is not helpful.
Am I really on my own here?
Help please.......:kilroy:
this is for the XP operating system (thanks Gimpy!)
since i recently (today) did it:
First shut off any Antivirus program, and any other running program just to make sure.

1. Install MS's "Combat Flight simulator 3"
2. Install the CFS3 3.1 patch
3. Install the CFS3 3.1a patch

4. Run Combat Flight Simulator once, fly a mission, shoot down some planes or get shot, whatever - and exit CFS3. (This is needed to generate a directory tree for savegames etc. on your harddisk. You do not need to save anything, or start a campaign in CFS3.)

Then install OFF (unpacking and installing can take a while, do not interrupt the process - make sure the install goes to the right directory, usually C:\Program files\Microsoft Games\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields):

5. Run OverFlandersFieldsPhase2ReleaseV1.0.exe (790 Mb)
6. Run OverFlandersFieldsPhase2SkinsV1.0.exe (1.01 Gb)
7. Run OverFlandersFieldsPhase2VidsV1.0.exe (530 Mb)
8. Run OverFlandersFieldsPhase2UpdateV1.9.exe (168 Mb)
9. Run OverFlandersFieldsPhase2V1.9eFinalHotfix.exe (57 Mb)

If you want to play over the internet you can install (optionally):

(10.) OverFlandersFieldsPhase2Multiplayer.exe (88kb)

(11.) If there is a problem with a "MSSTDFMT" thing you should unpack and install MSSTDFMT

Then run the "cfs3config.exe" FROM THE CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields FOLDER, and adjust according to the readme, or FAQs from Polovski.

Then just take OFF :icon_lol:


oh, and: ......................................or:
Is there, out there, an easy to understand, tabulated list of instructions to follow so that I can open and install the OFF2 disc?
Maybe I'm in a section of the wannabee desktop pilots of one.
All I know is that a nice shiny disc without a complete list of instructions, leaves me with a nice shiny coffee-mug mat!!!
Just looking at the FAQ is not helpful.
Am I really on my own here?
Help please.......:kilroy:

Please Provide your Operating System. Without starting my XP Rant, it was originally written for it, it can be run on a Vista Machine. It will work on Vista 64, but there's specific methods that MUST be followed
Bad timing old chap, we had a 200+ Pages of Forum material from which to search. There WAS the idiot proof list for Vista, and Vista 64. But all the forums on SOH, lost all their data. In a massive crash, So basically, you're on your own.

CATFISH listed a How-To for XP

I'm running XP

Vista is able to run it in compatability, I'm afraid that's all I know

Vista 64 . . Read the sticky. . see if that helps

The Developers are to the best of my knowlege, busily working on Phase 3

And we'll hope somebody running your operating system posts
Many thanks Catfish. I have a Duo E6850 3.00 2 CPUs, 2Gb RAM, 9800 GX2 Graphics card and am running Vista 32-bit.
I've never come across anyone saying that I should get into CF3 first of all!
Right, here we go again. Thanks. Will let you know.
There are a few here who run OFF in Vista 32 and 64 and frankly, I'm surprised more folks haven't come forward. I'd help you myself but, like Unc, I'm running XP, so I can't advise you on Vista.:kilroy: Good Luck Pete!

I would like to congratulate Catfish on his very helpful description on how to install OFF2 onto a machine using the Windows XP operating system. I am eagerly awaiting my disc to arrive,it could be anytime now, however as my system is almost new I am using Vista 32. Could any kind person who has already had the experience of installing OFF2 onto a Vista 32 system send a similar basic guide to installing OFF2, Thanks.
Catfish.. that is an amazing picture.. Not the insult.. but the other one with the diving pilot.. Is that you.. what is the key ? cntl O ?
Excellent, Catfish. Please may I post that on Wings Of Honor on the Over Flanders Fields Tips & Tricks Page? Of course credit will be given.

OFF Vista64

:banghead::banghead:Fly boys... From a very young 70 year old paratroper who knows how to jump out of planes,but not fly them. I have OFF2 (A kind person sent it to me) Installed it.but the monster wants the dll thing...I have tried all sites,read all you ideas,tried all your tips and still it will not work. How the ##** can I ever get OFF3 if OFF 2 will not work??? I need a flyboy to help out the grunts (once again):banghead:
The STICKY Post requesting How-To VISTA 32 and 64 is up

Prior to the crash there WERE lists. It might sound nasty, but that's not my intention.

When OFF was originally written it was meant for XP, Vista didn't even exist. A method to run OFF on Vista was devised. Then Vista 64bit came into being. It could be installed, and it did run, not perfectly say 99%.

A lot of us who have been at it a while run XP

Your guess is as good as mine, about getting OFF to install on Vista 64 :kilroy:

to Peterjh and Davebee:
Well thanks, but i just put together own experiences and what Winder and Polovski (and others) have said about the installation before ... :redf:

to Weyham:
Oops, yes it is me after a Flak (=Archie) hit ... don't know the key, i tweaked the "Mine" settings so much to my liking that i forgot the original keys - you know i honestly hate Mircosoft for their complicated keys in the "normal" Flight sim series, and also their Combat flight sims.

Just think of "Ctrl-shift-F6" for cutting off the mixture - idiotic - i would have to be an octopus to use such commands fast in-flight.

So i e.g. changed the magnetoes to "Shift M" for applying, and "Ctrl-M" for switching them off, and changed the usual views e.g. from Cockpit to F1, exterior to F2 a.s.o. a bit like in RedBaron lol. The up arrow and X is for switching something on, and the Ctrl key and X is for switching it off - this way my overstressed mind is able to control the plane in a way i am able to shoot down 5 SE5as with a DRI - hrrrm.

The key you asked for should be in "view commands", and then there is a "player view at target" (i use "Shift-F4"), and there is a "reverse" command like "switch to target" view (where i use "Ctrl-F4") that way you can switch the view from you to your target, and vice versa.

You get to the commands during flight via "Esc", then "Control settings", and then you get a list of the possible commands and which current keys are applied to it. Some are used, some are even free, but you can use and change all. If you find out you don't like them you can always change it back again or to what you like - just make a plan so there are no duplicate keys, for the newer one will certainly overwrite an earlier command key already used. If you still do you will be warned and reminded, so there's really no problem.
Just remember your settings, and do not forget to save your changes as "mine", so they will be present automatically after every OFF start.

But one more hint: Not all commands are listed in the command list that is accessible in-flight. So do NOT use the keys "Ctrl-Shift-E" and "Ctrl-Shift-R" for anything in that list, because this will make its original use impossible, and there is no way back - else than in the Normal command list these two keys will not work again, even if again deleted in the command list.
Those two keys can be used for an accelerated (...E) and decelarated (...R) time, if you change the properties of the "Shell.exe" file in the "CFS Over Flanders Fields" directory: Go to this directory, right-click at the "shell.exe" file, and click on "properties". Then change the command line "Shell.exe" to read "Shell.exe -time", and click "OK" or "apply". Next time you start OFF the two keys will be available for accelerating, and decelarating time.

to Gremlin_WoH: I would feel honoured (pun intended), you can certainly use it at your site - which b.t.w. is excellent:

to Monk:
Just drop me your eMail adress via pm here, and i can send you the missing "msstdfmt.dll" file with an installation routine.

Thanks and greetings,

Some more screen shots:
Just think of "Ctrl-shift-F6" for cutting off the mixture - idiotic - i would have to be an octopus to use such commands fast in-flight.

Please to remember, this is but a patch of CFS3 .. where they actually had brakes. Afterall it was WWII

Try reading my Sticky OFF Tips #11.. as to Idle Mixture Cutoff, as well as many other triple keystroke commands

Really do think the magneto's are NOT the SAFE way to shut down the engine . . all that pressurized fuel pumping itself into a red hot engine that isn't runnig

My Idle mixture Cut Off utilizes ( W ) as a control. As there's little need of War Power in 1917 :ernae:
Hello Gimpy,
yeah i know, but i think even for a WW2 sim, or any Flight sim, this "vanilla" standard settings from MS (must be multiple sclerosis) are a PITA - so it is good you can at least change each and every setting to your liking.
e.g. I use ^ for mixture cutoff - simple key and easy to activate. I would even prefer "ctrl-F" for cutoff fuel, and "shift-F" for applying fuel - thus the keys make at least some sense.
As well i use Scroll lock to look around in my cockpit, and keep any view fixed. The standard views are much too limited - maybe much better with TrackIR i admit.
Anyway your list of tips is great,
thanks and greetings from Germany,