to Peterjh and Davebee:
Well thanks, but i just put together own experiences and what Winder and Polovski (and others) have said about the installation before ... :redf:
to Weyham:
Oops, yes it is me after a Flak (=Archie) hit ... don't know the key, i tweaked the "Mine" settings so much to my liking that i forgot the original keys - you know i honestly hate Mircosoft for their complicated keys in the "normal" Flight sim series, and also their Combat flight sims.
Just think of "Ctrl-shift-F6" for cutting off the mixture - idiotic - i would have to be an octopus to use such commands fast in-flight.
So i e.g. changed the magnetoes to "Shift M" for applying, and "Ctrl-M" for switching them off, and changed the usual views e.g. from Cockpit to F1, exterior to F2 a.s.o. a bit like in RedBaron lol. The up arrow and X is for switching something on, and the Ctrl key and X is for switching it off - this way my overstressed mind is able to control the plane in a way i am able to shoot down 5 SE5as with a DRI - hrrrm.
The key you asked for should be in "view commands", and then there is a "player view at target" (i use "Shift-F4"), and there is a "reverse" command like "switch to target" view (where i use "Ctrl-F4") that way you can switch the view from you to your target, and vice versa.
You get to the commands during flight via "Esc", then "Control settings", and then you get a list of the possible commands and which current keys are applied to it. Some are used, some are even free, but you can use and change all. If you find out you don't like them you can always change it back again or to what you like - just make a plan so there are no duplicate keys, for the newer one will certainly overwrite an earlier command key already used. If you still do you will be warned and reminded, so there's really no problem.
Just remember your settings, and do not forget to save your changes as "mine", so they will be present automatically after every OFF start.
But one more hint: Not all commands are listed in the command list that is accessible in-flight. So do NOT use the keys "Ctrl-Shift-E" and "Ctrl-Shift-R" for anything in that list, because this will make its original use impossible, and there is no way back - else than in the Normal command list these two keys will not work again, even if again deleted in the command list.
Those two keys can be used for an accelerated (...E) and decelarated (...R) time, if you change the properties of the "Shell.exe" file in the "CFS Over Flanders Fields" directory: Go to this directory, right-click at the "shell.exe" file, and click on "properties". Then change the command line "Shell.exe" to read "Shell.exe -time", and click "OK" or "apply". Next time you start OFF the two keys will be available for accelerating, and decelarating time.
to Gremlin_WoH: I would feel
honoured (pun intended), you can certainly use it at your site - which b.t.w. is excellent:
to Monk:
Just drop me your eMail adress via pm here, and i can send you the missing "msstdfmt.dll" file with an installation routine.
Thanks and greetings,
Some more screen shots: