Installing ETO


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I apologise as I have yet another question!:icon_redface:

I have downloaded ETO. I have already installed BoB mod and Korea mod.

The installation instructions say I must have a clean CFS3 instal updated to 3.1. which is unmodded. I have this and used it as the base for BoB and Korea.

Can I just go ahead and install ETO or do I need a new CFS3 instal? If I need a new install how do I do that as CFS3 disc won't let me install it again.


Hi Oliver,

You can just go ahead and install ETO with your clean CFS3. BoB and Korea like ETO only copy files from the clean CFS3 install and build their own directory path for the new game.

regards Rob.
Hi All,

the stock CFS3 is only a host during the installation of each install. once you have completed all your various addon installations you can delete the stock CFS3 if you wish to save disk space.

each addon installation copies files from the stock location into its own root directory during setup. once those files are copied over the addon never looks at the stock CFS3 installation again.

regards Rob.