Installing in Win 7 64 bit


Charter Member
Somewhere (please don't ask; I can't remember now...:kilroy:) I had heard that installing CFS3, FS9 and FSX in the usual locations chosen by the installers caused much grief. Now, of course I'm hearing otherwise on another forum.

So, I have my sims installed in their own directories, i.e., C:\Combat Flight Simulator 3, and they seem to be working just fine so far.

I have Pat Pattle's BOB also installed in it's own folder, and it also is working just fine.

Am I just living in a virtual paradise that has hidden spiders that will bite me later?

Should I reinstall letting the installers choose where?
If you are then I am too. I've never really had any problems in Win7 64. Everything works just as it should, it seems some systems don't like it, but it doesn't seem to be a problem with windows 7. You lose you specular textures and glass reflections, but there are ways around this too.
Like Daniel says, no problems to report that haven't been covered already in the Knowledge Base sticky.
:wavey:Saw this over at FlightSim cfs3 forum

Will cfs3 work in Win7 ?

"Yes, it sure will. I have the same version of Win7 as you and it works fine for me. I followed the sage advice that I saw on many threads here on FlightSim concerning installing FSX into a separate folder on the hard drive - not in "program files (x86)" to get away from permission issues in Win7. I have a second hard drive where I have FSX and CFS3 installed into their own folders, FSX and CFS3. I have Firepower installed in CFS3 and that also runs fine. Just create a folder on your hard drive and point the installer to it. On the desktop shortcut, I do NOT need to run CS3 in compatibility mode.
Lyn "

Anyway I'm gona try it I got it all backed up, will let ya know how it works out
installing problem on cfs3

Somewhere (please don't ask; I can't remember now...:kilroy:) I had heard that installing CFS3, FS9 and FSX in the usual locations chosen by the installers caused much grief. Now, of course I'm hearing otherwise on another forum.

So, I have my sims installed in their own directories, i.e., C:\Combat Flight Simulator 3, and they seem to be working just fine so far.

I have Pat Pattle's BOB also installed in it's own folder, and it also is working just fine.

Am I just living in a virtual paradise that has hidden spiders that will bite me later?

Should I reinstall letting the installers choose where?

i have the Problem on cfs3 after installing it in the Standard Folder on a quadcore Computer with win7 x64. it all installed properly but when i start the sim it just crashes without visible Kind of reasons. FSX works fine though.
i´m out of ideas. cfs works fine on my old dualcore in Standard Installation path so i can´t get a clue.

can someone help me?
get to the forum, cfs3 dont work win7 x64

sorry, i´m new to this Forum.
all i read is to read the FAQ but i don´t find a theme to match with my Problem though i deny to see that i´m the only Person in the world that has this Problem. there has to be anotherone to have this Problem running around. i can´t see it in the advanced search of this Forum - therefore i ask for help. maybe you can lead me out of confusion.

i would appricieate this

thanks in advance

Be sure to run CFS3 as admin and in "XP SP3" - Mode.

Right-click on the CFS-3 shortcut, choose properties. Click on compatibility. In the "run program in compatibility mode" select "Windows XP SP3". Near the end of that page, select "run Program as admin". Note: I' writing this with a german version of Win7, so I'm not sure how exactly it's spelled in english....

Hope it helps
cfs3 doesen´t function anymore

hi have you seen the movie Tailwind made on, its in the sticky in CFS3 IP Games or go to this youtube link
It should all work if you follow it to the letter.

Also make sure after install you delete the OLEACC.dll

Hope this helps

i tried and tried but it didn´t work out. The game doesn´t even start. I see the splash Screen and then Windows tells me that the program doesn´t function anymore.
installing cfs3 on a quadcore computer is not possible

i see that installing cfs3 on a quadcore Computer is not possible and i am closing this thread because there is no way doing it. so i Play it on my old dualcore Computer again.l i find this rather sad but that´s the way it is after all.

thank you all for you efforts and have fun after all ...

cheers and lift off ... may the sky be ours!

Followed the ETO you tube win 7 install guide to the letter.

I chose the 1940 scenario and then the 1940 campaign ,pick a squadron then a flight.
About a minute into the flight,I get a ctd everytime.

I am using a ch pro throttle and t16000m joystick together.