I want to install individual Firepower aircraft in certain CFS3 installs. For example, the B-29 and its weapons and effects. How do I do so? I don't want to simply install Firepower into my "vanilla" CFS3 and then copy them over. Nor do I want to create another "vanilla" install for this purpose. I've tried to direct the Firepower installation program to a newly-created folder, but the application won't let me do so in any folder other than CFS3.
Is there a way to do this?
Wsmwsm, it looks like it's "dummy install" time again!
1. Temporarily rename your Combat Flight Simulator 3 folder found in Program Files/Microsoft Games. You only need to add one character.
2. Make a new folder named Combat Flight Simulator 3. Make sure that the spelling is correct.
3. Run the FirePower disc. It will follow the "default" (lol) path.
4. Re-name the new FirePower dummy install to som,ething other than Combat Flight Simulator 3.
5. When you've done that, simply re-name your original Combat Flight Simulator 3 folder to its original name.
You're now done and have all the FP stuff in a folder by itself, and you have lost or changed nothing.
Regardless of where you wish to copy certain FP planes, you will still need to transfer weapons and effects from the dummy to the install where you want them.
Copy the fxtextures from the dummy FP effects folder to the install where you want them, being careful not to overwrite, in the case of ETO, PTO, MAW.
The comes the hardest and most time-consuming part of the whole operation: tracking down the proper effects lines found in the FP weapons XDPs and copying them from the FP effects.xml file to the preferred effects.xml file in the proposed install.
It can be done, but it can also be frustrating and time-consuming at times. Take your time and don't get in a hurry.
Rule #1 for any modding: BACKUP everything you intend to replace or change before you start modding.
Good luck.:d