Installing new textures


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Paul, when I get back in the 14th I will be updating my sky and cloud textures with AS2012. I usually do this before every flight as the program can inject the textures based on the weather. But I have not done this since going to dx10 and the Fixer. Is there anything I need to do with the Fixer after doing this? Just want to make sure doing this does not mess anything up.
Paul, when I get back in the 14th I will be updating my sky and cloud textures with AS2012. I usually do this before every flight as the program can inject the textures based on the weather. But I have not done this since going to dx10 and the Fixer. Is there anything I need to do with the Fixer after doing this? Just want to make sure doing this does not mess anything up.

Nope - not a thing, Eric however, after any installation - it's a good idea to launch the Fixer, as it will detect any changes to the Effects folder, and reset itself so that the new effects are recognized and modified if necessary. I don't think there will be new effects from AS sky & cloud textures, but one never knows! - and it costs nothing to launch the Fixer. If nothing pops up - then simply close it! :encouragement:

