Installing off3,when it comes


Charter Member
I wonder if one of the developers can answer this? No it's not about the release, sometime in 2009 no doubt. To ask that question again would be an exercise in futility. Can you give some idea in what form the installation will need to take? Insofar as will there need to be a new installation of CFS3,patches etc: or will it be better to install OFF3 over the OFF2 .The reason is when we have been able to order OFF3 and are awaiting delivery I can clear my system off OFF2 and install a new CFS etc in preparation if required It would be helpful to hear what will be best , Thanks
it was said that it was not necessary to de-install Phase2, because P3 would install clean right on top of it.
As well it was aid you cannot have both, but i think it is possible.
However if you want to keep P2 as a stand-alone version you will have to change the drive, path whatever to get both things to work for themselves.
Ah, new icons :kiss::typing::Banane43::bananajump::Banane57: :Banane40:
Originally, I installed Phase 2 directly over Phase 1, the advantage to that was any of my switcheroos in Control Options remained switched.

I had to re-do my sliders, and do a configuration of my video card

Sooo basically, rolling off a log was more difficult

I see No Reason Why Phase 3, should be any different :kilroy:
It would be natural to assume that it would be much simpler to install over the top of OFF2 , however things are not always simple. I was wondering if the developers have a recommendation that they are prepared to give.
I doubt if I would be incli ned to keep OFF2 on my H/disc once I have '3' in use. There may may of course be some who will.
I recall reading somewhere here that P3 will self install over P2. That was from one of the Dev Team.
As a non-developer, the sole solution, would be to burn the existing P2 onto a DVD. To be installed via a different path later-on.

The only reason ( I can see for doing that) is if one finds Phase 3 too Difficult. In that case, I'm confident there are enough settings possibilities too turn Phase 3 into an Arcade Shooter

When OVS said: I get killed with alarming regularity, I trust that's with the Difficulty Topped-Out :monkies:
As well it was aid you cannot have both, but i think it is possible.
However if you want to keep P2 as a stand-alone version you will have to change the drive, path whatever to get both things to work for themselves.
Ah, new icons :kiss::typing::Banane43::bananajump::Banane57: :Banane40:

Catfish S! - this came up before not long ago when I asked about it- and it was quite categoric from Winder- You cannot have both P2 and P3 on the same system.
I don't see that it's possible to argue that one - after all, he's the bloke who wrote the sim!

He also said that you don't need to uninstall your present installation of CFS3.

No doubt the instructions will be spelled out on release. :)