Installing Patches - need help


I got CFS3 loaded and working on win7 64bit using instructions found here, I had it on my win xp before. The "about" screen says it's Version 3.1 build 030203.01. Does this mean I don't need the 3.1 patch? What about 3.1a patch? I never knew about the patches when I had xp.

Each time I install CFS3 I get a new Product ID. Is this normal?

Also the intro video has a black screen, I can hear the audio.
Make sure you install all patches . Make sure you try the sim out after each patch install. I'm running Win 7 and have no problems running CFS3,but my install was a little different than the steps given. Do you have the cd version or the dvd version of CFS3 ?
I have the Microsoft 2 CD set dated 2007 complete with insert and colored jacket/sleeve. That is probably about the time I bought it.

Are there only the 2 patches?
My concern was that I would mess it up if I tried to install a patch that was already there. I will probably try them anyhow as it's not that hard to reload.