Interesting Gauge


Jr. Admin
I fly mostly VFR in FS 9 and I just installed a gauge that helps keep me oriented as to my progress. It's called the Airport ID gauge and what it does is tell you the name of the closest airport. It gives you three options on how to display it and the readme file has complete instructions on how to install it. There is also an update that gives you a slightly different font and color in the disply.

It is most useful when I'm flying over unfamiliar territory with a lot of airports. For me, that's Southern England and all of Ian's and Cees' WWII airfields.

You can get it at Just search for: "Airport ID"
Hey Jagd,

interesting, looks like it's useful so will have to give it a go. VFR mostly myself too.

It's been out a week or so. The author posted an update today to make the display information more readable. It's very convenient. Much quicker than jumping to map view to see what the name of the little airport way down there is.
Interesting gauge ? ... no...

Very interesting Gauge !!

Jagdflieger, thank's well ! :ernae: