Interesting scenery approach - "Flight Simulator 1935 "


Interesting scenery approach - "Flight Simulator 1935 "

Just discovered in the market place:

Still struggling to take the plunge. Looks nicely modeled and I like the atmosphere on the screenshots. But I guess (though removing the other two recent airports) the photoscenery around stays in the present time giving you some kind of aviation wormhole to the past.



BTW: They have some more in the pipeline at Red Wing and gave the same treatment to Croydon airport, also already available.

Concerning the "bang for bucks" I gave in
Curiousity got the best of me.

As suspected it adds a mix of present and past to the city. But apart from some minor scenery glitches it´s a fun scenery and really enjoyable.


They even modeled historic traffic with an old tram going around

Moreover night flying is a blast!




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A ways back, CalClassics had a whole line of FS2004 historical airports (late 50's/early 60's) to go with their propliners. Sadly, most of them were never even updated for FSX, much less P3D/MSFS, because they were really cool. I'd love to see something similar for MSFS eventually, though the MSFS Standards Police Forum Posse might make the time investment that would be needed in order to not get slammed unviable for a project of the scale CalClassics did.

I'd love to see a bunch of historical airports for MSFS. With MSFS Addon Manager, it'd be easy to set up configs to easily switch between period and modern times. (You can make it work with Marketplace addons too.)

Passing on this one because Berlin in 1935 is not a place I'd want to visit, given the flag you'd actually have seen flying in that airport. Not something I'm nostalgic for, architecture and Junkers history aside. But I'd love to see them do similar period airports in other countries. And thanks for sharing the screens -- it's definitely a cool effort, and I hope it sells well enough that they do more of these outside of Nazi Germany. Even Berlin 1948 would be cool -- you could use the DC-3 and DC-6 to recreate Berlin Airlift missions.
As seen on their website there´s more to come. Mostly covering Germany and France first. But the USA is also on the list.

Though the mingled historical effect - just spotted an AI airbus parking there
- it might be worth keeping an eye on the project. It reminded me a lot of FS2004 Golden Wings install (good ole Bill Lyons era). Some kind of switch might also come on handy in the future.

I still have FS2004 Golden Wings 3 and Cal Classics installed. The installs are <20GB even with several dozen period-appropriate planes installed in each, so they're painless to keep on the HD and it is fun to dip into those eras now and then. I like the niche of historical add-on airports/scenery in MSFS, and have created a category of them in my mod manager that includes everything from the WWII south Pacific airfields, to several WWII British airfields, to the Tempelhof airport. I would support more work in this genre.

I'll be keeping an eye on this project too. Toulouse, Barcelona, Casablanca and all Laté aircraft being a priority to me from now on, as well as anything else regarding the Aéropostale epic. Pierre-Georges Letécoère's words have always inspired me: "I've redone all the calculations, they confirm the opinion of specialists. Our idea is unachievable. There is only one thing left for us to do, that is to carry it out". Yes, I'm ready to emulate Saint-Exupéry, Mermoz and Guillaumet's feats :listening_headphone

After Bill Lyons' Custom Classics and Golden Wings in FS2004 times, nothing had been so inspiring to me.
(BTW, I wonder how Bill is doing nowadays. Anyone knows?)
I think MSFS Is ripe for things like CalClassic's treatment of airports where we can put ourselves back in time and relive the glory days of aviation, I will be watching this with great interest!
Absolutely love “golden oldie” historic/vintage airports. Overjoyed to see them coming into MSFS. They will have to be optional for when you want current realism. I cover many of them in my YouTube channel but will probably re-do some when the old scenery becomes available, like Templehof. Cheers.