Interesting sound facility issue.


There is an interesting issue coming up with the sound facilities relating to my attempt to make the Lorenz ILS landing system, ( )
If after reading all the below, anyone has any ideas or is interested in testing the problem, I can send then the files needed.

The main beam will use sdsbolts knickebein from his beam/radar/FC app, but the VEZ and HEZ marker beacons use ones I have made. Now in theory, the facility would include a VEZ and HEZ vehicle( sound gun) at either end of the appropriate runway; VEZ HEZ HEZ VEZ. BUT

1. If i have facilities of just a HEZ or VEZ vehicle, they both work fine; as in

<Facility ID="9470" Type="Lorenz HEZ basic ILS" Lat="N53*4'19.3367"" Lon="E8*17'54.0022"" heading="0" Country="Britain"/>
<Facility ID="9471" Type="Lorenz VEZ basic ILS" Lat="N53*4'19.3367"" Lon="E8*17'54.0022"" heading="0" Country="Britain"/>


<Facility Type="Lorenz HEZ basic ILS" Flags="isMilitary" OuterDistance="40000">
<Unit Type="Lorenz_HEZ" Position="0.0 -1500.00" Angle="180" />
<Routes />
<GroundPlanes />


<Facility Type="Lorenz VEZ basic ILS" Flags="isMilitary" OuterDistance="40000">
<Unit Type="Lorenz-VEZ" Position="0.0 -6000.00" Angle="180" />
<Routes />
<GroundPlanes />

are the two respective facilities.

2. However if I combine the 2 vehicles into one facility as in

<Facility Type="Lorenz HEZ VEZ basic ILS0" Flags="isMilitary" OuterDistance="40000">
<Unit Type="Lorenz_HEZ" Position="180.0 -1500.00" Angle="180" />
<Unit Type="Lorenz-VEZ" Position="0.0 -6000.00" Angle="180" />
<Routes />
<GroundPlanes />

then only the vehicle listed first works!

3. 4 vehicles together also is an issue. I have tried 2 HEZ together and 2 VEZ together, such as

<Facility Type="Lorenz_NJab_1_1_HEZ_ILS" Flags="isMilitary" OuterDistance="40000">
<Unit Type="Lorenz_HEZ" Position="-628.57 -480.06" Angle="-36.0"/>
<Unit Type="Lorenz_HEZ" Position="776.46 667.91" Angle="144.0"/>
<Routes />
<GroundPlanes />

but then again if I have those with another facility with the 2 VEZ vehicles, I don't get both the VEZ and HEZ to work.

Is this an issue related to 'sound 'gun' vehicles or....?