Interesting Terrain Resolution Mod For WOFF In Development


I got version 2.01 working in WOFF, and then thought I'd see if it would be compatible with ETO.

As far as I can see it works in CFS3 with no issues, and no measurable change in FPS.

I installed it using JSGME so it's easy to go back and forth between this and the default to look at the differences.

It adds a nice amount of additional relief, but can make some surfaces and hilltops look faceted where the pitch gets too steep.
Tried it last night for the first time. Would like it better if it were not for the rather strong patchwork quilt effect from WotR's summer cornfield textures, and as you say, it produces some odd, angular results in places, although much of the time the effect is quite pleasing. Will see if it's a keeper.




It looks good inland, but the coastlines are all messed up in a lot of places - check out Dover. Hopefully the water mod that he's working on will cover the whole map, or this won't really be usable in CFS3.
Same here, but I'm definitely keeping an eye on this, lots of great potential in this project.