Just came across this. Interesting for all user's of X-Plane. It's a fairly long podcast at just over 113 min.
FSBreak is a weekly podcast dedicated to all Flight Simulation topics. This week Austin Meyer of X-Plane & Laminar Research joins us for about an hour to talk about X-Plane, the future of Flight Sim, and shares his tips & secrets about X-Plane. He also takes a listener question regarding Aerosoft's recently announced Flight Simulator.
Listen here:
FSBreak is a weekly podcast dedicated to all Flight Simulation topics. This week Austin Meyer of X-Plane & Laminar Research joins us for about an hour to talk about X-Plane, the future of Flight Sim, and shares his tips & secrets about X-Plane. He also takes a listener question regarding Aerosoft's recently announced Flight Simulator.
Listen here: