Interview with OFF Development Team

That was a lot of fun to do Gremlin, thank for the effort. :)

Thanks, I had much fun talking to you guys and hearing about you and your labour of love :d

Gremlin- Great interview...and I forgot (but now have reacquainted myself with you terrific website) how much I enjoyed WoH back in the RB days! :ernae:

Excellent interview questions and well covered answers. Nice one, Gremlin, and OFF team!

BTW, Jupes, Gremlin, Wings of Honor is looking good, sure glad you guys saved it.
good on 'ya!

Great perspective....all of many of us more or less attend quietly on the sidelines...listen to the storm of opinion on purchase wars, gaza strip detours, and so on...I was drawn in despite my vows..........but hell, everybody's got an opinion, even pedestrian me......and I value the rule of a civilized exchange here thanks to the matter the dull would it be if nobody differed???...think the Matrix..and it's nice to hear a third party weigh in on what we've all anticipated but had a hard time holding in focus for all the static.....thanks for the link! GAW
You guys really want to see something funny....

Scroll down till you see "UOP - Beery Super Patch 2 (BSP2)"

You'll see my very first Mod effort... Aircraft Skin Patch V1.0a For Beery Super Patch 2.1

Man that was cheesy!! ... seems like yesterday... so long ago 10 years gone. ;)

Rabu... remember back then.. :)


I had no idea all of these patches were still available for Red Baron... when did you start the Hell's Angels project.. been a long time. Deciphering the Red Baron 2d color tables and tile layouts for the scenery was a night mare, can't even imagine the hours I spent on that stuff.

And now, we have BHH.. amazing! :faint: Onward and upward!
I had no idea all of these patches were still available for Red Baron... when did you start the Hell's Angels project.. been a long time. Deciphering the Red Baron 2d color tables and tile layouts for the scenery was a night mare, can't even imagine the hours I spent on that stuff.

And now, we have BHH.. amazing! :faint: Onward and upward!

The Palette... did you HAVE to remind me of that. yeah... 256 colors, however about 250 of them went neon on you!!! GRRRRR!!! God I hated working with RB3D's color tables!

I was ignorant of the Hells Angels project until recently. I wish I had known then... oh well. BHAH is in the mail.
I keep an old HP with Windows ME just to run RB3D and it's add ons. I can't seem to get it to run on my new one. It runs in fast motion. Maybe it's the dual core?

I keep an old HP with Windows ME just to run RB3D and it's add ons. I can't seem to get it to run on my new one. It runs in fast motion. Maybe it's the dual core?


You may have to hunt for it, but I seem to remember there is a fix for games running to fast on "modern" computers. But, I think, once you get BHH, you probably aren't going to be fiddling with RB anymore.
I absolutely loved HA, OvS. I was blown away by those skins the when I loaded up RB2 after getting them. "Awesome! and rigging wires too!"

CJ, I found this when I was working on getting the original Red Baron to run on XP. I got it to work and its still a blast. 2 missions a month! Part 7 might work for your extra fast RB2 even though its not a DOS game.

Thanks guys! I appreciate the help. I know RB3D is old, I've had it for at least 10 years, but I still enjoy it. Like going to visit an old friend. It's the first flight sim I ever bought. I had to drive 80 miles to Charleston to get it at the mall and it was all over. I've been a flight sim nut ever since.
