invisible aircraft



rooster is in actuallity right behind me,,,shotting me to ribbons,,,but,,,doesnt show up on tac,,or in air,,,,wierd,,,

but,,,mp is still playing great...View attachment 76021
dededede, dededede... as the Rooster crows in time and space you'll meet your fate in the twilight zone
doubt it

doubt it,,,this went on forra about 3 mins....

(wish i knew how he did it....)

rickity,,,lol..yeah,,,he is a tricky devil
LOL! I dont even know how I did it. Maybe OvS messed with some of the Jasta's planes, and I accidentally hit the "Invisible" switch. I thought it was the magnetos switch I swear.

Seriously though...I have no idea. I was in an Alb. D.II when this happened. I dont see how I could have just been flying along and dissapeared. Did you see me in a D.II at all Duck? Maybe we should try again and see if that is the problem? Thats not me with the label or on the TAC either. I was RIGHT BEHIND HIM.....wierd
