The landing lights are tied to a gauge and can not be turned off like normal lights. When you retract the landing gear, the lights turn off. When you extend the gear, the lights turn on. The only way around this is to tweak the panel.cfg to remove the gauge that controls the landing lights. If you want to take control of the landing lights, open the panel.cfg file and go to the VC section, and look for this line (last gauge line)
gauge20=A7_Gauges!DSBLandingLights, 1,1,1,1
change it to look like this
//gauge20=A7_Gauges!DSBLandingLights, 1,1,1,1
That will give you manual control over the landing lights.
The wing fold and tail hook work fine on my install. I have Shift F assigned for Wing Fold/Unfold and Shift T for Tail Hook.