IRIS BAE Harrier GR.9 ZG506

Nice Zsolt ... you have been very busy painting lately ! What scenery is that with the ai Harrier going off the ski-jump? Mike :salute:
Hi Mike,

Thanks! :)

this is base the UKMIL Harrier Ski-Jump for UK2000

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 SceneryFS2004 UKMIL Harrier Ski-Jump For UK2000
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 2,235,380 Date: 11-10-2007 Downloads: 524
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 UKMIL Harrier Ski-Jump For UK2000. This add-on adds a working Harrier ski-jump to Gary Summons' Wittering and Yeovilton sceneries. It should work with the following payware sceneries: UK2000 Part 2 and part 5, RAF Airfields South and a last minutes addition Just Flight's British Airports Central and South West. By Stephen Legg.
Yeah, I have both versions of Wittering, got the one with the Harrier first, never did get or see the AI JJ's to actually jump, they just jetted. Mostly they actually just taxied and then sat until they vanished.

You do need the base scenery which is basically UK2000 scenery. Yeovilton is available in a demo download from UK 2000. Wittering used to come with the Iris Harrier when it was payware. I don't think there is another freeware version available.

Zsoltquack is at Wittering.

IRIS Classics BAe Systems Harrier
IRIS Classics Harrier GR.7/9, Uploaded on Behalf of IRIS Simulations

Category FS 2004 Aircraft
yeah i uploaded the harrier and a few others when they became freeware, will work on getting the rest of the freeware up soon on behalf of IRIS

Great work Zsolt... wasn't the scheme a bit shiny?
Aah, brings back memories - driving up & down the A1 from Peterborough to all points north & ducking every time one of those buggers took off from Wittering; always had to check the car roof for tyre marks when I got home!
Somehow I missed the Iris Harrier previously, and so downloaded from the link above (Thanks!) to pick up Zsolt's fine-looking paint.
It flies very strangely, even for a Harrier (which I know is difficult to model).

The one I have on my HDD is by AP Designs Adam Preece, interestingly credit is given to Eric Marciano, David Brice, Rob Barendregt, Jon Watkins.
This one had an "AP" switch to click for hover.

Is there something similar in the Iris rendition?
I would love to see a repaint of the legendary RN Harrier pilot, CDR Sharkey Ward ... Mike :salute:

Have to say the Falklands conflict FRS1's (and the GR3's) were all disidentified; no distinguishing marks whatsoever, other than serial number.

Sharkey Ward wasn't the only pilot in the conflict to score a 'kill'

and with or without 20mm hole in tail?

Went in through the avionics bay and out through the fin; was quite an interesting repair job when we got it back after
'the war'


I just got around to "re-lighting" this bird.

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
// 6=taxi, 7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=logo, 10=cabin
light.0= 3, -7.5, -18, -1.1, fx_shockwave_navred
light.1= 3, -7.5, 18, -1.1, fx_shockwave_navgre
light.2= 1, -2.9,-0.70, 3.2, fx_shockwave_strobe
light.3= 1, -9.8, 0.0, -3.0, fx_shockwave_strobe_2
light.4= 4, 15, 0.0, 0, fx_dsb_vclight_red
light.5= 8, -4, 4, -5,fx_dsb_smokedown,
light.6= 8, -4, -4, -5,fx_dsb_smokedown,
light.7= 7, 0, -4, 0,fx_dsb_smokeangle,
light.8= 3, -22.5, -.5, 6.2, fx_shockwave_navwhi
light.9= 6, 1, -5, 3,fx_dsb_leftwingvapor,
light.10=6, 1, 5, 3,fx_dsb_rightwingvapor,
light.11=6,-12,-18, -1,fx_dsb_vortices,
light.12=6,-12, 18, -1,fx_dsb_vortices,
light.13=8, 5, 4, -5,fx_dsb_smokedown,
light.14=8, 5, -4, -5,fx_dsb_smokedown,
light.15= 7, 0, 4, 0,fx_dsb_smokeangle,
light.16= 4, 16, 0, 4.5, fx_dsb_vclight_white,
//light.17= 4, 16, -1, 4.5, fx_dsb_vclight_white,

light.18 = 5, 12.00, 0.0, -4.50, fx_Shockwave_landing_light

Panel Entries

gauge00=Harrier_GR7!VSTOL Controller, 0,0,1,1
gauge01=Harrier_GR7!Effect Controller, 0,0,1,1

gauge02=shockwave_lights!SW Lights_gear, 1,1,1,1
gauge03=shockwave_lights!SW Lights_taxi_gear, 1,1,1,1