Iris freeware F-5 blurring textures

ian elliot

Ive just rediscovered this beauty, but its one of those planes that will blur ground textures when flying, has anyone had any problems with this plane and maybe a solution.
cheers ian
Ian.... Scan the texture folders for any file that is DXT-1 or DXT-3 that doesn't have an alpha channel using Martin Wright's DXTBMP Texture editor. This condition may cause "the blurries" with your ground textures while viewing the plane in the spot view. You can either re-save the offending texture with a light alpha channel, or if your machine is a beast, and has a lot of power, then just convert everything to 32 bit. Be careful tho, some textures with a 'dark' or black alpha channel will disappear altogether if you remove the mip maps while re-saving that texture, either to the same or a different format.

If I remember correctly, the IRIS/DSB F-5 Pack contains ALL of the F-5's that were previously individual packs... (F-5A, F5-E, F-20) etc. That may be a big job if you decide to tackle it. I'll take a look at the textures and I'll get back with you on this. I have one of the older DSB F-5 Freedom Fighters with Isra's panel mod in my FS9 livery. I think I had to convert the landing light bmp. as that was the offending texture... giving me the same trouble.

EDIT: I have the DSB/IRIS F5-E pack that I'm using Isra's F-5 panel mod with. I checked several of the texture folders and almost all of it is DXT-3 with a light alpha channel. There are only about 4 or 5 that are extended bitmaps. All are the stock textures that came with the F-5E pack.

Might be off subject... but I have a texture question

You seem very savvy with the technical aspects of texturing...
I have done a very nice rework of textures for a Grasshopper of Opn Torch vintage... and
have tried the Alpha channel trick (black) to carve out an extension to the top and side stern windows...
and can't get the area to be transparent... tried pure green... and that is what I get... a
pure green solid area... if I send you the texture... do you think you can "carve" the window?

I would appreciate any help you can render...

Gaucho -- Make sure you are using a dark alpha channel for your window/clear or tinted glass textures. This has been my experience in the past. I am by no means a guru when it comes to texturing. These things that I do know I have either read about or picked up from other members of the community who are gurus.... :adoration:

I have multiple clear/tinted glass textures in my archive that I use, one of which is a yellowish green tinted glass that I like to use on some jet fighter cockpits... like the F-16 and the Dassault Rafale. Depending on what you are using for an envmap texture... these react very nicely when viewed in the spot view and in some cases are very reflective.

Ive just rediscovered this beauty, but its one of those planes that will blur ground textures when flying, has anyone had any problems with this plane and maybe a solution.
cheers ian

Ian, BB is correct, but to save time look for dxt fixer ( think that's what it's called)
Saves having to do each texture individually with dxtbmp, you just point it at the texture folder and it scans and fixes all in one go.

dxt fixer is in avsim library, latest version is dxt fixerx, don't worry bout the x bit, it does for us niners too. In fact don't restrict its use to aeroplane textures, point it at your installed sceneries and fs texture folder too. Author is Peter Nyman.


Thanks guys, had a go with Dxtfixer, works like a dream, great little utility. I fix'd the textures for the Iris F-5 and im having no more blurring problems.
Should all texture's that Dxtfixer find be fixed, or should some be left alone? im a great beliver of the "if it aint broke, dont fix it" idea.
cheers ian
Thanks guys, had a go with Dxtfixer, works like a dream, great little utility. I fix'd the textures for the Iris F-5 and im having no more blurring problems.
Should all texture's that Dxtfixer find be fixed, or should some be left alone? im a great beliver of the "if it aint broke, dont fix it" idea.
cheers ian

They should all be fixed.
If you have the time, just point the program at your main FS directory and then go have a meal.

Glad you got it sorted, Ian. Yeah, I forgot about DXTfixer.... I have it installed but compleately forgot about it.
