Iris PC-9

I was lucky enough to grab it while it was still available. It was part of the IRIS PRO series, the FDE is very nicely executed and nearly a match to the real plane. And as always, the VC is excellent and the visuals are outstanding. Can't understand why IRIS killed the model, definitely worth what I paid for it.

Ive just seen some images of it looks really good. Why they dont release it as freeware I dont know just like the Tomcat. I guess Alphasim is the same really there TSR2 and Lightning arent on sale anymore and you cant get them as freeware.
Not sure what the story is about the TSR2, or the EE Lightning for that matter... but sometimes if a developer who works for a FS Payware company like Alphasim, or IRIS decides to move on... they take their models with them.
I am not sure of the history of Iris' PC-9 prior to FSX, but there was a freeware version for FSX that was on their website 3 years ago. I have it.

They recently re-did the PC-9 from the ground up, remodel, FDE, everything...and made the new version for FSX and P3D. At about that time, they took the freeware FSX PC-9 off their website, possibly even before. I have the new version as well.

This link from looks like they are selling the version that was previously freeware directly from Iris. The FSX freeware PC-9 is available from I am not sure if it will work in FS2004.

Hope this helps.
NO it includes both FS9 & FSX if looked right in product Description?

reads in title:
Für Microsoft Flightsimulator X und 2004!

And in requirements

- Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX ( SP2 oder AccPack )
- Microsoft Flight Simulator FS 2004
- Windows: XP / VISTA / WINDOWS 7 / Prozessor: min. 2.8 GHz (FSX)
- RAM: min.1 GB / Grafikkarte: min. 512 MB
- Festplattenspeicher bei FSX: 953 MB, bei FS2004: 804 MB
Unfortunately only the old FSX PC9 was declared Freeware by IRIS but not the FS9 version

which make the Mailsoft PC9 Product a bit Strange looking these days in my opinion
What does it really include? (Old PC9 FSX Freeware & FS9 Payware) think so!

my reason for posting the mailsoft link:
(it currently seem the only legal way to get the FS9 Version)
The Mailsoft/Flylogic version doesn't say it's the Pro Series, and the screenshots look quite a bit older.
IRIS PC-9 FOR FSX and FS2004


Many tks for the link to this software vendor in Switzerland. Snapped up the PC-9 they have on offer as a boxed set. Will let you know how I get on with it after it arrives and confirm its FS2004 credentials.

Have been keeping an eye open for this IRIS offering since 2005 when I lost track of it. As a few of you have already stated, I cannot understand why it was withdrawn from their offerings other than it might have confused buyers looking to purchase the FSX native version.

Iris pc-9 for fs2004 and fsx.

Received this a/c today from Mail-soft in Switzerland and can confirm that it is indeed a FS2004 a/c. Have not tried it in FSX as I do not have it but suspect that it is a port-over not a native FSX a/c but I could be wrong on this. Took it for a good work out from EGCD Manchester Woodford in todays UK weather.

Very nice flt model, exactly what you would expect for a turbo-prop trainer giving small mil jet performance and handling at low to medium levels with an excellent avionics fit. Good aerobatics and overall handling.

Dating from around 2005 this is obviously not cutting edge modelling or graphics but nevertheless a very nice addition to the Iris T-6 Texan and excellent value for overall enjoyment and pleasure. If you like the T-6 Texan you will certainly love the PC-9.

Now to find some more skins.

Thanks again for the link Thomas.
Received this a/c today from Mail-soft in Switzerland and can confirm that it is indeed a FS2004 a/c. Have not tried it in FSX as I do not have it but suspect that it is a port-over not a native FSX a/c but I could be wrong on this. Took it for a good work out from EGCD Manchester Woodford in todays UK weather.

Very nice flt model, exactly what you would expect for a turbo-prop trainer giving small mil jet performance and handling at low to medium levels with an excellent avionics fit. Good aerobatics and overall handling.

Dating from around 2005 this is obviously not cutting edge modelling or graphics but nevertheless a very nice addition to the Iris T-6 Texan and excellent value for overall enjoyment and pleasure. If you like the T-6 Texan you will certainly love the PC-9.

Now to find some more skins.

Thanks again for the link Thomas.

there never was a Portover Iris FSX PC-9 ;) it was always native FSX! (according to my knowledge)
but for sure it is not comparable to standards of the newest FSX PC-9 Release

I have the old FSX (now Freeware) release and it Supports Features like fresnel,specmap,bumpmap,...

I have done a fictional Redbull paint back in 2008

best regards,