IRIS T-6 for FS9


Since there has been a solid discussion about the IRIS PC-9 and its availability for FS2004, seems that there was an FS9 payware version of the IRIS T-6 Texan too. There are alot of FS2004 repaints for the FS9 T-6 Texan posted over at Simviation. There 2 versions of the IRIS T-6 Texan available there as well, but both are FSX SP2 Specific with DDS texturing. I think the good folks at Simviation have these 2 models confused with the FS9 version, the description reads that there are a choice of texture sets, DXT3 or 32 bit and that realistic stalls and spins can be achieved in both FS9 and FSX.

Hmmm, I wonder where the FS9 IRIS T-6 Texan went to?:dizzy:

Another fine aircraft David Bryce of Iris decided to stop selling. I am still not happy that Mr. Bryce kicked FS2004 to the curb when FSX came out.
Think you'll find the skins for t6 will go on the pc9 model too.
So if you're not that bothered by cockpit layout, you know what to do.


There kinda was two FS9 versions, the original release and then a mid-life update, think it was mostly non cosmetic adjustments. I have all of IRIS FS9 stuff, bought them all on release kinda, there was an insider account for about £100 that entitled you to everything already released and a year I think of future releases.

Yeah... me wonders why the chap won't just release the FS9 variants of PC-9 and the T-6 as freeware. There probably is a lot more to it than just that I reckon, and I'm sure the bloke has his reasons. Still, there are a lot of FS9'ers left out there, including me, who would love to have the T-6 Texan.

BTW, I have the FS9 IRIS PC-9 and it is absolutely superb, that one is a keeper.
