Since there has been a solid discussion about the IRIS PC-9 and its availability for FS2004, seems that there was an FS9 payware version of the IRIS T-6 Texan too. There are alot of FS2004 repaints for the FS9 T-6 Texan posted over at Simviation. There 2 versions of the IRIS T-6 Texan available there as well, but both are FSX SP2 Specific with DDS texturing. I think the good folks at Simviation have these 2 models confused with the FS9 version, the description reads that there are a choice of texture sets, DXT3 or 32 bit and that realistic stalls and spins can be achieved in both FS9 and FSX.
Hmmm, I wonder where the FS9 IRIS T-6 Texan went to?
Hmmm, I wonder where the FS9 IRIS T-6 Texan went to?
