Iris T-6 Texan II in P3D


Charter Member
Ok guys..
I just opened up the airfile and took a look around. I gotta admit, even knowing it was one of my first flight models, i was ummmm,, surprised.. Theres less than half an engine in there, and gods only know where that prop came from.. I kinda wish Lockheed would have talked with me as this is almost an embarrassment. SO.. Heres what i'm gonna get started on..
1. Completly replace the current engine with a pratt and whitney PT-6of the correct HP and torque..
2. research and completely replace the propeller with the proper make model and performance specs of the actual plane
3. completely readjust the rest of the FDE to match documented performance and behavior characteristics.

Essentially it'll be a brand new Flight model, but one that is designed to give you the most accurate and enjoyable flight possible.. Since i'm also working on the PC-9 as well as the PC-21, its all in the family, and an easy one to simply roll into the schedule.. Just give me a lil time.. :).. I dont have scripting abilities and i dont know XML, so i cant give you anything quite like some companies give you with all their systems and stuff, but, i can promise you that i'll do my best to make sure that you wont miss all those systems and overhead either..
Ok guys..
I just opened up the airfile and took a look around. I gotta admit, even knowing it was one of my first flight models, i was ummmm,, surprised.. Theres less than half an engine in there, and gods only know where that prop came from.. I kinda wish Lockheed would have talked with me as this is almost an embarrassment. SO.. Heres what i'm gonna get started on..
1. Completly replace the current engine with a pratt and whitney PT-6of the correct HP and torque..
2. research and completely replace the propeller with the proper make model and performance specs of the actual plane
3. completely readjust the rest of the FDE to match documented performance and behavior characteristics.

Essentially it'll be a brand new Flight model, but one that is designed to give you the most accurate and enjoyable flight possible.. Since i'm also working on the PC-9 as well as the PC-21, its all in the family, and an easy one to simply roll into the schedule.. Just give me a lil time.. :).. I dont have scripting abilities and i dont know XML, so i cant give you anything quite like some companies give you with all their systems and stuff, but, i can promise you that i'll do my best to make sure that you wont miss all those systems and overhead either..

Good! That bird is unflyable as it stands now. I have to put either put a RATO pack or start whipping the engines horses to get it into the air. Once there it wants to dance a waltz, spinning and spinning until it hits the ground.
You'll get it Pam!

I wonder if the Mooney was changed?


It was flying per exactly what was written. I'll have to check that out. I havent even had a chance yet to do any flying or testing on the new 1.4.
i took the mooney up yesterday, and loved it. it flew beautifully.. did a 90 degree bank over the end of the runway with flaps and wheels down and it leveled perfectly for a short approach ( real short )

mind you, they didnt change anything. they just published an antique without asking me to update it.. I contacted Lockheed and requested that should they ever post another of my antiques, to please let me know before hand so i can upgrade the damned thing.. they only spoke with David.. Guess they figured no one else had a vested interest in it.. anyway, my apologies to all for the poor condition of that flight model. I'll get to work on it asap and get you all flying right..
take a look at your throttle positions when i ran first installed with my throttle I pushed it to max but in the plane it was only at 69% so i had to give it a nudge with the mouse in the virtual cockpit with both aircraft
ahh, yes.. thank you..
Folks, I have always programmed the flight models to use maximum realism settings. If your sensitivities are dialed down to easy or even average, the plane will not fly correctly. I'm sorry. I used to believe that if i programmed it for max realism that everyone regardless of settings would be able to enjoy it ( since someone with max settings cant reprogram the flight model ).. My apologies.. Please check your control sensitivities and push them all to maximum..
I'll be testing V1.4 in 7 hours. Hope my Iris C27J will work. That poor C27J's landing gears hated V1.3 lol. I always loved the Iris T-6. Pam i know you'll get her done with excellence.
i've been farting around with it all day.. I put a pt6-68 into it and changed the prop to a qtip composite type, corrected N2 rpm and gear reduction and took her up.. She needs some love.. But yeah, Paul and i will make it good.. real good.. :)..
i've been farting around with it all day.. I put a pt6-68 into it and changed the prop to a qtip composite type, corrected N2 rpm and gear reduction and took her up.. She needs some love.. But yeah, Paul and i will make it good.. real good.. :)..

Thanks Pam. It looks like a real fun aircraft and it irks me that I can't enjoy it.
Pam, Will the original T-6 from Iris install in Prepar3D? If so, why even fool around with the LM version? Does it offer anything new?

BTW - I spent two hours flying the Air Force T-6 sim at Columbus AFB yesterday. I found the Iris T-6 to be pretty similar in performance with the USAF model.
B?ill.i took the mooney up yesterday, and loved it. it flew beautifully.. did a 90 degree bank over the end of the runway with flaps and wheels down and it leveled perfectly for a short approach ( real short )mind you, they didnt change anything. they just published an antique without asking me to update it.. I contacted Lockheed and requested that should they ever post another of my antiques, to please let me know before hand so i can upgrade the damned thing.. they only spoke with David.. Guess they figured no one else had a vested interest in it.. anyway, my apologies to all for the poor condition of that flight model. I'll get to work on it asap and get you all flying right..
Very good news, the plane is very beautiful, has a good sound, it certainly will fly the right way. Thank you for your beautiful work!João Alfredo

Have you taken a look and compared your experience with the T-6/A Texan II demo I did below?

I just did some minor upgrades to my computer and reinstalled Prepar3D and reporting no issues getting the Texan off the ground or flying. I'm wondering if control devices are the issue ie X-52 and so forth.
Beautiful flight Smudge !
I think I found something very simple that solved the problem for me.
Excess weight, I use as the default Cessna 172 aircraft, (FSX), and he always has 99.9% of fuel.
I decreases the fuel and behavior TexanII completely changed.
The problems always appeared to me at the beginning of the flight, perhaps with a few more minutes with the spent fuel things returned to normal

João Alfredo
Ah yes, don't forget to remove the fuel tanks from the aircraft before flight... they add significant differences to performance... great for cross country, not so much for aerobatics.. :)
Ah yes, don't forget to remove the fuel tanks from the aircraft before flight... they add significant differences to performance... great for cross country, not so much for aerobatics.. :)

Yesiree !! Shuck them external tanks, fuel and pylons and she'll scream like your high-school sweetheart !!!
Yesiree !! Shuck them external tanks, fuel and pylons and she'll scream like your high-school sweetheart !!!

When I was at Columbus, A.F.B. for my T-6 simulator ride, the instructor told me that the T-6 would out perform the P-51 Mustang. He didn't say in what areas, but considering the max speed of the P-51 is a bit faster than the T-6, I assume he meant in climb and acceleration.