Is anyone using Lionheart Fairchild 24 float


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If anyone has the Lionheart Fairchild 24 Float installed into P3D, I would like to know how long time it takes to take off from water.
Mine can hardly get of the water. After 1 minut, I´m doing 10 - 11 knots and it takes at least half a minut more before I can lift the nose and one of the floats and takeoff is after almost 2 minuts. Not good.
I'll assume you are in P3Dv2.

I just ran a test in a fresh P3D version 2.5.12946.0 install. Actually this was my first flight in the clean install.

I flew out of Lake Crowley, CA USA, elevation around 7000 ft, live density altitude impact @ ambient temp.
Wind 5 knots
33% Fuel onboard
Flaps one notch
Mixture Auto Rich
Elevator trim of a few degrees positive.

I came up on step around 35 indicated within less than ten seconds. Achieved flight speed, around 65 indicated in around 30 seconds.
The plane lifted off and climbed gradually considering altitude, but was quite flyable.

Let me know if there is anything I may be able to offer that would be helpful to you.
Just to add to Mr. Madison's flight...

Sea level at PAKT Ketchican Alaska...50% fuel...rudders up (control+w)...stick slightly forward with slight nose/elevator trim down...
@ 35 nose trim slightly up @ 50 slight back pressure on your stick...smooth lift with a total time of about 30 seconds...



I have only P3D v2.4 and there is some bug which make the water "friction" exagerated. In the end, none of my floatplanes can ever get enough speed to takeoff.
I don't know the origin of the problem. Even the Accusim Cub on floats is impacted.
I have only P3D v2.4 and there is some bug which make the water "friction" exagerated. In the end, none of my floatplanes can ever get enough speed to takeoff.
I don't know the origin of the problem. Even the Accusim Cub on floats is impacted.

I've been using the floatplanes mentioned here since V2 was first released, and with each subsequent patch or upgrade. I have experienced this bug once or twice as an anomaly, but it has always cleared itself up after one or two re-boots. I'll fly some scenarios and see if I can re-create the drag anomaly.
Hi everyone

Thanks for your replys and your testing. Its highly appreciated.

Its very weird all this. I have a few other floatplanes, including the Piper Pacer from the same develloper and they take off after some 30 seconds with 50% fuel 2 persons aboard. So right now, its only the Fairchild causing problems. Its a petty. Its a very well modelled AC with lots of personal style and some awesome repaints.