Is BritSim gone?


I haven't been able to get on BritSim for a while now and haven't seen any posts about it ,does anyone know if it's gone for good this time?
Its very hard to access, sometimes its works, sometimes its time out, you have to try, i managed to redownload most of austers and other goodies from there.
I have a feeling that its suffering from the overload situation SOH had some time back & it certainly refuses to open for me in France & has done so for some time. As a registered administrator for the site its a bit more than disappointing! I believe that another admin very close in distance to the owner has the same problem, so one just has to wait & hope that Rob can find the time to sort it out sometime.
I haven't been able to get into BritSim for a long time now. I thought it was an IE issue so I tried Firefox.... No joy...:frown-new: The site has been hacked before and if that's the case again, I'd be pretty frustrated with the whole bit. Hope they get it sorted, one way or another. I rather like that site with all it has to offer.

Just there two days ago and each action took at least 30secs to happen on Chrome. Just checked and still the same, up and slow but worth the wait regardless:unitedkingdom:.
It's up right now.

I've noticed that they've been having trouble for the past couple weeks (at least.)

Sometimes it takes a really long time to come up, but eventually it does.

Sometimes it comes up normally.

Sometimes it produces an error page: "Internal Server Error."

I've been able to get in most days lately, but not every day. Sometimes I click on the link, then open another link in a new tab and do something else while BritSim loads - or not, as the case may be that day.
"BritSim is currently offline for a rebuild.Over the past few years the site has been victim to numerous hacking attempts and has on occasion been taken offline by them.The software that the site uses as a base is an open source CMS and is now very outdated and is no longer supported.To prevent the recent slow performance and to prevent these attacks from happening again I have decided to use another system as the sites base.This is likely to take a lot of work and with a full time job won't be an easy task.Keep an eye on the site for updates. I shall post them as and when available.
Thanks very much for the update Rob. Look forward to the new site, whenever it may be ready.
