Is it possible to install CF3 on Win 8


I'm from "the dark side", i.e. FSX. I would recommend not to use Windows 8. As an OS it is not yet mature and for us simmers to whom tweaking is bread and butter, Win8 is a nightmare.

IMHO there is nothing that can beat a good Windows 7 64 bit install. Windows 8 may be great for tablets and phones, but not so for Desktop PC's. At work we were given an evaluation copy of the latest Windows 8.1 by a Microsoft tech consultant. We tested it for a week or two now and discovered that you cannot even install M$ Network and system management tools on it. Before you ask, yes we did have full admin rights on the rig.

So we're going to skip Windows 8. It is IMHO the new Vista...

Take care,

Dy'know, the same things were said about Win7 and CFS3 some years back but it actually does work in Win7 pretty well, although specular textures are awkward to get working. Win8 is now more than 10 years newer than CFS3 so some difficulties are to be expected. Windows 8.1 on the other hand is beta software and I'm not putting anything I value near it.
i have recent win8 ....etc....all owrks that i have well

pto, eto, cfs3. firepower addons .......

now i havent yet added pearl set ......

i feel all is good once you accept the fact that you - are the computer and not the computer , meaning tweak what works in combo with your system and the short cuts one develops...

I went with Windows 7 Home Edition in my upgrade last month. That was mainly for reasons of the interface plus I'm using Win7 at work. So I reasoned that it was best to stay on the same interface.