Is MAW Dead?


Charter Member
Hasn't been any news of progress or updates for months on the MAW Official site.

I recently read in a thread discussing the new ETO Expansion package, that MAW development of Release 2 has stopped. Would be such a shame if true.
Hasn't been any news of progress or updates for months on the MAW Official site.

I recently read in a thread discussing the new ETO Expansion package, that MAW development of Release 2 has stopped. Would be such a shame if true. :(

I hope it isn't true either
I wouldn't give your hopes up yet. Because MAW took so long and had so much content, I would bet the developers are just taking a break.:USA-flag::toilet:
I don't know if there is going to be more chapters or not. What I would like to know is------------- Where is the VOLCANO I have seen talked about in MAW?

Never mind found it Italy,Catania and there is a plane in the bottom!!!!! OUCH!!!!!!!
I hope it is not dead either, and that the devs take up the mantle again after recovering from all their effort. My particular favourites are the brilliant blue skies and seas, and the cockpit of the Italian tri-motor.
MAW is not Dead--

Hi Guys,
MAW is not dead for me. Love flying the Gladiators and P-40B's against the Italian equivalents. Toothdok actually put a game ( MAW ) up on-line last night but I just missed it, :kilroy: !!

ETO is dragging new people in already and these folk will filter down to these other superb Add-Ons as well.

So Hold a steady course Mr.Christian, we are right on target. :d:applause::ernae:
Bill T.
Figures... as soon as I want to download MAW their website goes down. :costumes:

EDIT: Working now, thanks Talon.
Hasn't been any news of progress or updates for months on the MAW Official site.

I recently read in a thread discussing the new ETO Expansion package, that MAW development of Release 2 has stopped. Would be such a shame if true.
The thing to bear in mind is that there aren't really MAW Developers or ETO Developers or PTO Developers or TOW Developers or BoF Developers or whatever (although OFF is a bit of a unique case). Pretty much the same group of people all work on these projects to greater or lesser degrees at any given time. So the production possibilities curve is fairly limited.

Following the release of MAW Chapter 1, many of the Desert Rats took vacations, others switched interests, those who felt inclined went to work on ETO, and others pursued projects close to their hearts. One must remember that modeling and painting can be exhausting work. In particular, building a top-notch aircraft model complete with virtual cockpit can be a grueling task lasting 12 months or more and consuming 100s of hours. In a culture where many people can't follow a season of Heroes or Lost without losing interest, that's a lot to ask of anyone.

Fortunately, the CFS3 community is rife with tutorials, how-to-tips, and general advice and guidance for anyone who wants to get involved in modeling, painting, and so forth. So if you really want to see something brought to life in CFS3, you shouldn't feel obliged to wait for any of the development teams to issue forth. Just jump right in!

Well spoken Viso, we all understand the teams situation and applaud everyone involved, efforts are much appreciated, -I think a lot of folk are just a bit shy to say so. :ernae: :applause: :medals:

Bill T.
I don't see a phase2 of MAW. Maybe some new aircraft with missions. But the team is generally broken up and a lot of the key members have moved on to other things. Also the sad loss of Ed who will alway be missed around here.
Whether MAW continues or not, I can say that MAW 1.31 is my most favorite simulator, followed by CFS2. I thank every person that worked on MAW from the bottom of my heart. It is great and I hope it will continue. I have to say that the MAW developers have done an outstanding job, even if it would end with MAW 1.31. Thanks to all of you.:applause::ernae::wavey:
I echo Kofschip..MAW 1.31 is my favorite WW2 sim.

One of the major things about MAW was the theatre. From here on, as the theatre exists, there is nothing to stop individuals from adding the required aircraft, etc, themselves; I already have a plethora of MAW Spitfires, FW190s, later Italian aircraft, and so on. Ground objects are not such a problem either, as the stock MS vehicles, for example, come into service. I'm not convinced that there will be a concerted effort on phase two, for the reasons given by Viso and Seacondor above.

The absence of Ed Wilson is also a major factor.

I got so burnt out that I'm still suffering from it, and my contribution was pretty small compared to many "motor" people.
One of the reasons I installed CFS3 again was because of MAW.I used to fly it alot until I got drafted into the PTO and than ETO.I always wanted to try my hand at Operation Pedestal but never got around to it.I even gave Corrado's Eagle a new paint scheme for it.Maybe some day when things calm down a bit I'll get back to it.

I wonered what happened to the MAW website. MAW is great. Enjoy playing it and dealing with landing the ME109's ....tough...tough..Well, many thanks to all who have developed a great ad-on. Regards, Ed Burk:wiggle:
MAW Phase 2

Hi John

I remember some shoots of a Ju 290 coming from You, any chances to see it uploaded somewhere ?

Cheers :ernae: and "keep 'em coming" :running::costumes:
Cristiano "Astore"