Is the flight sim community dying?


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Hmmm, is down, so is the MAW site and korean skies seems to have closed its doors too.
So is everybody just saying good bye to the good old CFS3?

At least the files for ETO are still accessible....

Thank god, I still have the MAW installation files still somewhere on my computer...

Does anybody know if the korean war add-on or the PTO files can still be downloaded from somewhere?
:kilroy:DaHeld, no, it's not. I understand that Korean Skies is down because that was under the SOH server, which recently died. I also understand that the admins and other staff are bustin' their buns trying to get everything back up and running again. It takes time. We just have to bite the bullet on that one, and give them our full support until the job is done.

As for Netwings and MAW site, I know nothing at all about that. Hopefully, its operator(s) will have it back up and running again, too.

Maybe you could ask someone to send you what you need on a DVD or maybe CD's as part of a swap.:d

As far back as I can remember... crash and burn... :pop4:
And that would have been on an Atari 800 flying something like FS 1 on a green vector graphic screen.
Old simmers never die, ...they just crash in horrible fiery explosive wrecks, RESET, and they're off to fight another day...:engel016:
See "The Holy Grail" Scene Two. I think you'll understand. Imagine the customer as being Microsoft...

I wanted to upload something silly, but it won't go yet.
Netwings is currently down and with it the MAW site, but that's because of some unspecified problem. The site is still registered, so I presume Neil has more important problems occupying his time right now.

And the weather's picking up again, so some of us had better get the jungle outside looking like a fit place for children to play again. Pass the hoe and rake, please...
lol , that was good .....i have rule .. im for womens liberation . so they can do it all while i get my feet done and hair coloured .

men now are part of the new era.

Is the flight sim community dying?

Only if they have been to Mexico recently!
No offence meant by the above. Afraid my sense of humour sometimes gets the better of me.:monkies:
hate to say it but I think so..........
I still build models but truthfully, I am waiting for a new, better sim to work on.
too many issues with cfs3 that I can't work around.
Well, in that case, Jon, you'd better release them (even as betas!) before they go completely out of date! :engel016::icon_lol:
There does seem to be a real slow down in flight sim production. There was a time when three or four would come out in a year or 18 months.
I remember CFS1, European Air War and Jaynes WW2 Fighters all seemed to arrive together.
I think CFS3 was the last new WW2 flight sim.
I am pretty sure the decline in flight sim production is due to the current "gaming demographic" generation's lack of interest in any contest that a gentleman would be willing to participate in.....They just cannot see the point in playing a game without the detailed and desensitizing copius amounts of blood and gore spraying in all son summized it in one question to me while watching me throw the stick hard to port to avoid introducing a German pilot hanging in a parachute to the brightly painted tips of my Spit Mk IXe's prop disc......rather dissapointedly he asked " you mean you can't even chop the dudes up with your propeller? What a stupid game." And he turned with a quickness that almost took one's breath away...and headed off to play Afro-Samurai Ressurection....or something like that with a big, bloody knife as the center point of the games visuals......I shudder to think what real combat is going to be like when his generation bear their nation or religion's arms against the much effect will they carry with them from the carnage they live to create as children, virtual or not?
I'm thoroughly glad to hear this :applause:

It's still sad that no one seems to cater for the simulation enthusiasts any more these days....
Actually, call me a heretic, but I'm greatly impressed with the Thirdwire Strike Fighters sim. What really impresses me is that the developer, TK, hangs around the forum helping people like you and me (and AvHistory's gregoryp) to work out how things fit together. I prefer the people here in CFS3, but for the future of flightsims, it looks as though SF is going in the right direction. It isn't as good as CFS in visual terms, but it is better in other ways - and can only get better with time, just like CFS3 has done. I haven't left CFS3, but I'm looking round to see where we go next. And I think I know.
I think the "Future of the Flight Sim Community" might be being confused with the future of CFS3. I like CFS3, I liked CFS2 too, but I seemed to get each as the development efforts were peaking or tailing off. And I haven't tried IL-2 yet but I may have missed the boat there too. Always late for the party... :icon_lol: ... but I'm really glad to have seen MAW and ETO released.

There are only so many people who both can and do develop add-ons and a large number have moved away from CFS3 - even Mathias is building for FSX these days! Why? I expect they all have their reasons; but as Nigel suggests, if you want to know where the future of flight simming is going, look for where there's a buzz going on. I'm interested in combat flight simming, especially historical recreations, so CFS3 will likely hold my interest a while yet. Longer term, who knows?

And as far as aircraft modelling is concerned, gmax is a sight cheaper than 3ds Max.