IS there a good Piston freeware DHC2 Beaver out there?


Charter Member
Hi, I am looking for the old freight dog, a DHC 2 with a good VC. Has to be piston engine though. Is there one out there?
John Woodward's FS2004 Beaver is the best freeware Beaver going. Very nice VC in the plane. I have been tinkering with the plane for a while now, have a new paint template done up for the plane that gives the plane a nice metal clad look. I have also tweaked the MDL file to adjust the glass and to give the plane reflective texturing. I have e-mailed John a few times to get permission to upload the tweaked MDL file along with a few paints I have done for the plane...have gotten no response yet. I have also taken the 2D panel from the FSX Beaver and incorporated it into John's it came with no 2D panel.

You can find John's Beaver on Wheel and Float version. Nice radial engine.

I haven't flown Woodward's Beaver in a while so I just reinstalled it and I'll take a flight tonight.

I just searched for some military skins for it, but I didn't have any luck. Anyone know of a US Army livery for it? More years ago than I want to admit, it was a common enough plane around Army bases and I flew in them several times. A good natured pilot even let me fly one for an hour or so once.

I think the prop tips often broke the sound barrier when they took off as they made a hell of a racket, particularly when they were 90 degrees to you. Inside the plane though, you didn't hear it, just the sweet sound of that radial engine.
If you are OK with grafting there is what I think the best raspy radial sound to be had in the form of M. Stone's Cessna 195. It's a great aircraft in its own right but the I have not found a better radial chopper noise like this. It is at flightsim as Sounds are by Mike Hambly. The readme has all the credits spelled out.

The one major downside to painting John's Beaver is that there is one shared wing texture that does top and bottom of both wings....and this makes military paints impossible to do.


The one major downside to painting John's Beaver is that there is one shared wing texture that does top and bottom of both wings....and this makes military paints impossible to do.


so go olive drab on her, and 6 point roundels ;) maybe some dayglo orange....
I have a Beaver in my collection called, DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver v2.0 by Steven Grant. Cant remember where I got it, but a great model.
The shared wing explains the lack of military textures. Thanks for the info Obio.

I just put Grant's Beaver into my airplane folder. Thanks for the tip Fnerg.