Is there a limit on aircraft in the aircraft folder

ian elliot

Im just curious, ive just moved into the 21st century with a new PC which means i can run everthing maxed out, including Ai packages, ive installed packages from MIAW and UKmil and i have a lot of Ai aircraft in my aircraft folder already and in thinking of installing the Calclassic's civil package's also.
I come from the CFS2 world that will stop at 99 aircraft so im wondering how much you can put into FS9 before things start going screwy.
cheers ian
There's a limit...I think Roger hit it at one time. I'd be curious if AI aircraft counted in the total number, too.
Hi Ian, couldn't resist a reply.... I have currently over 1900 folders in my FS2004 aircraft folder and most of the maiw, and calclassic packages. I keep on adding stuff and still it works fine !

I once had 500 aircraft directories and noticed the loading times hit the wall. Still worked but too slow.

Cheers MarkL
I have about 350 folders in the aircraft directory. I also have quite a few add on secenery packages. As stated above, the load times take a bit longer but once it's there, I'm good to go with FS9.

I've got over 2500 titles in my aircraft folder. If there's a limit, I never heard of it.
Like all the others, I was loaded. And this was when I had a slower machine. It would take forever to load the Select Aircraft window!

I went to My Documents and made a new folder and named it the FS2004 Hanger and moved most of my FS2004 aircraft to that folder save those I flew the most often, i.e LilSki's Champs and such. My old machine could not handle jets, but my passion for the old ones was too much, so they all had to go to the FS2004 Hangers.

No problem now with my new rig, but I still have a FS9 Hanger on my external HD and keep the limit to about 50 in the sim itself, again those I prefer to fly. Of course I have probably 100 in GW3! :applause:

I always thought it was the number of individual aircraft entries, rather than the number of aircraft folders. The more [fltsimxx] entries you have, the more memory is need as each aircraft is loaded into memory when FS9 boots up.

I try to keep my count to around 300 individual aircraft.

I suppose the sim would just fall over when you hit whatever the limit might be.
Co-incidenatlly I recently saw the highest AI plane count I've yet seen, after adding yet another WOAI package:
404 at London Heathrow according to Traffic Explorer.
No problems yet...
Looks like ive nothing to worry about just yet :wavey:, but an external aircraft hanger in my documents is a good idea.
cheers ian
Something's just occured to me, if a traffic file was in the scenery folder of a new ly installed scenery, say for example the new MIAW Tyndall package, and you deactivated the scenery in scenery library when not in use, would fs9 still load up the ac associated with it?
cheers ian
Ian, to be really safe, put the extras on DVDs. That way you'll still have them if someting happens. You can never be safe enough. ;)
Something's just occured to me, if a traffic file was in the scenery folder of a new ly installed scenery, say for example the new MIAW Tyndall package, and you deactivated the scenery in scenery library when not in use, would fs9 still load up the ac associated with it?
cheers ian
Only if the AI aircraft were used by another AI traffic file, or if the aircraft were also set up to appear in the selectable aircraft menu. deactivated the scenery...would fs9 still load up the ac associated with it?
The a/c wouldn't be found in the sim envronment if the traffic file was not active.
However, when starting the sim (and when selecting an a/c), FS9 reads every entry in the aircraft folder, including AI.
That's why the load time gets a little lengthy with big AI installations.
Been running this install of FS9 since July 19 2003 and my aircraft folder now sits at 49.7 GB . The only limit i can see is the size of your HD limiting what you can add.Im amazed how much this sim can be changed with 5+ years of tinkering. FS takes 15 mins to load nowdays but its a trade off i can live with. In case anyone was wondering 1500+ traffic files and still adding more every day without hitting any limit there either. Hats off to all those that make it possible:woot:
The a/c wouldn't be found in the sim envronment if the traffic file was not active.
However, when starting the sim (and when selecting an a/c), FS9 reads every entry in the aircraft folder, including AI.
That's why the load time gets a little lengthy with big AI installations.

Which to me is asinine. Why the hell does it read every aircraft and every scenery folder installed? It's one thing if I added something new since the last start. But if I haven't changed or added anything new to the root, why the long wait? Makes no sense!!! :karate:
Just did some checking.

FS VOZ:16GB-2000 Folders.
FS ALASKA:8GB-800 Folders.
FS GW3:26GB-2500 Folders.
FS SILVER WINGS (1950s):30GB-4700 Folders.

The last pair load about 10% slower than the others, but they both have a vast collection of AI to deal with.

Must be time for a couple of extra stand alone installations ....... FS 1970s and FS USA methinks.
