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I wish to thank everyone for the interest shown in our Sikorsky S-56 / HR2S "Deuce"/ H-37 Mojave
I was wondering if there is any interest out there in having an AI only version of my model of the Sikorsky S-56 / HR2S "Deuce"/ H-37 Mojave for FS9 and Mick's textures?
In about 2008 when we were working on our Autogyro i asked for help with the flight model someone gave me a aircraft.cfg and air file for an AI helicopter that he thought might work for it. I stored it away for later use if needed the only problem with it is it taxi's like an aircraft and uses a rolling take off which is often shown in some of the videos instead of a vertical take off
David Wooster
I was wondering if there is any interest out there in having an AI only version of my model of the Sikorsky S-56 / HR2S "Deuce"/ H-37 Mojave for FS9 and Mick's textures?
In about 2008 when we were working on our Autogyro i asked for help with the flight model someone gave me a aircraft.cfg and air file for an AI helicopter that he thought might work for it. I stored it away for later use if needed the only problem with it is it taxi's like an aircraft and uses a rolling take off which is often shown in some of the videos instead of a vertical take off
David Wooster