And so, after much ado, P 3, "Between Heaven and
Hell, Over Flanders Fields" was released to great fanfare on a global basis. The various news agencies reported the enthusiasm was infectious and uncontained.
In Germany there were cries of "Das ist herrlich", in France "C'est merveilleux", In Greece " Αυτό είναι υπέροχο", and in Australia" It's just bloody marvelous mate!" Immediately there was a noticeable increase in world sales of PC add-ons, TIR, Pedals, and various devices. Bragging of whom had the best Joystick begun, and wives became lonely. Families noticed a change in demeanor as Father's disappeared into their offices, donning a soft leather flight helmet, googles, leather gloves, and a silk scarf. Yes, the OFF Forum light up with reports of great achievements in the skies, for both the Allies and the Central sides. Thus it was the beginning of putting pen to paper, and the various challenges met by the pilots, with a bit of embellishment and whimsical notes added to the harsh realities of the War.
And so it began, Catch 22 not only flirting with literary genius, but the directing of a short length feature film with WINDER and POL, in staring roles.
Others soon joined in, and a Sticky was born for all to reminisce in.