Is this correct?


I am surprised irf CFS3 allows one to have 8 aircraft in a formation?

Remember the game engine is built so the AI always attack in Pairs, No Matter How many in the formation, Only two will attack at a time..

So to get large formations to attack as one unit you must load them in as two aircraft flights, with matching height and speed, and set your way points so as to allow the pairs to hold whatever formation you want by the placement of the (2) aircraft flights.. "
No opinions on this?

I can't remember who wrote this.

"AI attacks in formation groups

To get AI to attack in large formations as a group, you must follow these instructions:

Place them as pairs (2) aircraft flights..Add as many Pairs (flights) as you wish in the formation..

To keep them in formation place your way points at the same height and speed..

Place them in whatever formation you wish..

You must then make sure your Pairs (flights)
The way point is placed with the way points matching the (Dual pairs flight path)..
They will stay in formation and attack at the same time..

Remember the game engine is built so the AI always attack in Pairs, No Matter How many in the formation, Only two will attack at a time..

So to get large formations to attack as one unit you must load them in as two aircraft flights, with matching height and speed, and set your way points so as to allow the pairs to hold whatever formation you want by the placement of the (2) aircraft flights..

You must be able to place the way points very closely, and in time with each other..
In this way you can get Larger Formations to attack as one.

Works very well in anti-ship and anti-ground/ Vehicle target missions.. "
hi James, what is the question exactly? Interesting about the AI behaviour, as opposed to wingman behaviour. I guess rather than break up the air formations into mini-wings, it would be far easier to divide up the target facility into many separate components, Eg. divide a railyard up into 12 adjacent facilities and make them all mission objectives. Then the AI formation of 8 aircraft would be able to target multiple bits of the one railyard.
I don't mind AI only attacking in pars; well I do; but the question is, will they all attack sequentially at least! But is it in fact true that they only attack in pairs and the other aircraft in an 8 formation do nothing?
I don't mind AI only attacking in pars; well I do; but the question is, will they all attack sequentially at least! But is it in fact true that they only attack in pairs and the other aircraft in an 8 formation do nothing?

Well I don't know what happens in general missions. Except that in campaign missions, specifically the escort mission where you escort 8 AI bombers, not all the AI attack the designated target. It looks to me like only two attack the mission goal and the other 6 swan about nearby attacking targets of opportunity. Except that in a target-poor environment, they will probably all attack the few targets available. I've been flying a few campaign escort missions in ETO Era 1944 recently, and there are usually plenty of targets and the AI bombers are very busy. It amazes me that more are not shot down by the AA as they often fly around slowly at low altitude, bombing and strafing targets. But they do seem to be in pairs which would support the idea that AI bombers in general mission flying would pair off in attack.