Islander is out, but is it "Bye-bye Alphasim??"

Well, not completely it seems:

The AlphaSim site will continue selling the majority of the products developed in the last few years, we also plan to update several of them and offer occasional free additional texture packs and freeware versions of the older titles from time to time. Support for AlphaSim products will continue for as long as they are sold.

Seems like the right thing to do; Alphasims past of selling relatively simple models at a low price seems to haunt them now that they've made the switch to higher quality products with a higher price tag. I wouldn't be surprised if Virtavia will only sell their products through Flight1 in the future; I think it's a smart move because it will allow them to sell their products as boxsets as well.
It's not surprising to hear about this... My first payware model was from Alpha and I remember when planes like the Martin Baker M.B.5, the dH103 Hornet and the P2 Neptune were released as new payware. I was in "flightsim nirvana. I have one heck of alot of Alpha planes for FS9, but none for FSX. Reckon I'll just have to fly over to the "dark side" once in a bit if I want to try a new Alpha model.

As a side, I still have Chris Lampaird's Seafire F.45... a truely excellent Alpha Oldie but a Goodie.

It'll be very sad to see AlphaSim go. I personally have more AlphaSim payware titles than any other payware brand!

It was a unique offering... an exceptional balance of price and quality!

And unusual subjects to boot!

Ho hum

Kind regards

I cant really understand that, now that MS has pulled the plug on FSX, both sims are in the same boat, it dos'nt seem good buisness to half your market

But newer is better <tounge-in-cheek>. Then again, there is such a thing as "market saturation".
Happily there are a few freeware designers who can step into the breach, then, without fear of being crushed by payware... ;)
In fact, I see this as an opportunity to get started in modelling!
The purge may already be starting...

I noticed in the Alphasim shop that the Raptor, Eurofighter, USS Enterprise, and the B-2 have gone missing.