Isra's Mirage IIIS released


The freeware Mirage IIIS Interceptor for FS2004 by Isra is now available for download at Follow the links on the "What's New" page.

Some screenshots and cockpit views of the final version are available on Isra's website.

A very complete operations manual (and necessary as this is a very complex and feature rich cockpit if you want it to be) is available in both English and French.

There are several air-air, air-ground, recon, and clean configurations to choose from. As well as a JATO (working) version.

For this release Isra was able to go for a ride in a real Mirage IIIS Simulator of the Swiss Air Force to get a better understanding of how to fly the Mirage for real. Following that a former Mirage test pilot of the Swiss Air Force tested the aircraft in FS2004 and gave Isra some valuable feedback for the flight dynamics.

If I remember correctly, there was a beta or something released awhile back? I remember it absolutely killing framerates. Any changes to fix this?

Either way, this is exciting.
I guess the word has to be - magnifique!

Thanks fir the heads up Frank; and many many thanks Isra, she looks like a real beauty! :salute:
No significant hit on frame rates here. I must day Isra has put out one heck of a detailed panel. but fortunately with a very good manual -- for dummies like me. A lot of effort has gone into this bird.

Thank you Isra
There are aircraft that I have considered basic, pure, unadulterated design.

Nieuport 17, Spitfire, Ki.43 Hayabusa, F.86 Sabre, MiG 15.....Mirage III.

We are so fortunate that artists of such calibre still grace us with offerings like this for an older desktop simulator...FS9.

Damn....I'm off to try it out, and must extoll great thanks before ever firing up the FS Exe....I know it's going to be great....and wonderful. A delta wing Mirage through the Alps, or where-ever.

Hundred hours plus of electronic labour (I can imagine..)....thank you for the Mirage III experience. So very much cherished, enjoyed, learned from,.....thank-you.
If I remember correctly, there was a beta or something released awhile back? I remember it absolutely killing framerates. Any changes to fix this?

Either way, this is exciting.
The beta was released last April and the frame rate problem was fixed the same week.
It had to do mainly with the rearview mirrors and is not an issue with this final release.
Many thanks to all the people involved in this release and of course especially to Isra!!! :ernae:
Mirage Must Have! HU of the week...

All credits for this HU go to Frank Safranek. Well done Frank!

Mirage aircraft have never been my kind of 'brew'. That was till today. On seeing Frank's HU, I dawdled through the link he thoughtfully provided. My frame of mind: "probably just another 'boring' Mirage." Boy was I in for a rude (mood) awakenig.

Anyway, entered a nice, tidy little site teeming with Mirage (s?), "don't like the look of all this 'Froggy' stuff" my immediate reaction. Found the Mirage III directly.
DOWNLOAD!?! be or not to be? Oh, what the heck: i've got the Beech 18s repaints, the T-33 paint kit, the Kansan. Quick peep at all the usual download sites: the usual run-of-the-mill plethora of A320/30/40 and Uncle Tom Cobley an' all. No new F7F paints this early...
okay then, press download!

Expand the zip: nice installer. Install. (to a temp folder, not directly Fs (just in case!!!).
Old habits die hard and have saved my butt more than once!

418 mega buggers! (if you keep everything) No way pal! Half a Gig for some crumby Mirage...

"Just give it a quick try" says that little voice always yakking away at me when I get within 10 yards of FS (keeps making me feel like Smeagol) Gollum!
"If we don't likes the 'precious' we puts him in the recycle bin" (He loves it when 'we' don't like new downloads). And HE's the one resposible for the 'mischievous' threads, not ME!

RAF Lyneham (British 'badness' I suppose) 09:15 hours, visibility: lousy 8 kms, leaden sky, crosswind 15 knots, drizzle. Lashings of traffic. There's ONE aircraft on the tarmac that shouln't be here. Hope its my lucky day and ops wont make me take this tin-heap up!...
Sexy voice from control tower giving me the 'thumbs' up. That made my mind up: just do a couple of circuits then 'buzz' the tower and make her day.

Nice little cockpit 2D and VC! MMM! Go through the motions, sounds like a...
MirageIII. Brakes off.
Nip up to the control tower. That's where I do half my flying.
And in any case: what's her name is up there too!

The Mirage is airborne before you can say 'Tom Clayton', landing gear coming up, climbing like a Dingbat and pulling a turn as tight as your bank manager.
Playtime! Responsive controls, throttle's got bags of reserve, and this thing does all the 'party tricks' that a ...Mirage is supposed to! Push her too far: she'll warn you. Ignore her and you'll get slapped in the face!
Landing? Didn't want to: too much fun!...but in the event: uneventfull, it just lands like a...

I'll bet this bird even finds space in Willy's hangar among the properliners...
Because this is a proper Mirage!

The Mirage stays!..:jump:.Gollum!

Oops! nearly forgot its designer: Bravo, Beat Scchaffner :ernae:
Appreciate you letting us know Frank! Cheers to Isra for this superb rendition of Mirage IIIS ...

Mike :ernae::switzerland:
I just took Isra's Mirage IIIS up for a spin.....absolutely amazing from every angle, but one. Frame rates are still down on my system with this bird. Get 1/2 of my normal frame rates. Now, I am not faulting Isra for this....he can not be expected to produce a bird of this quality and ensure that it will run great on my old clunker puter. I will keep the package in my archives for future use when I get a more powerful system.

Again, I am not faulting Isra....the work he put into this bird is first rate all the way.


In FSX Frame rate goes from 27-->4 FPS.But I think this are the smokes-->I will try to correct.
Does anybody have a FSX fix for the glass-->easier to fly this wonderful bird with a clear VC sight


AB effect problem!

I have a little problem
The afterburner, only switching on the NAV lights appear!
Other ideas?


Thanks for the Feedback and Sorry for the troubles with the Effects! I was playing around with the panel.cfg befor the release and did not check everything!

I have set up a Update and Fix Page and hope the List will not get bigger as it is now !
Ckeck here:

Best regards
Hi Isra,

Unfortunately, nothing changed!

Always activate the lights in the afterburner effect


Hi Isra,

Unfortunately, nothing changed!

Always activate the lights in the afterburner effect



I am not sure if I get you right! Are you saying that if you turn on the Burner, all other Lights go on?
Give me a bit more details, since I do not have any Problems with Light or Afterburner.
How do you turn on the Light?
How do you turn on the AB?
The throttle is not responding to the afterburner effect
I switched the NAV lights in the VC
Afterburner by pressing the letter "L" appears
The throttle is not responding to the afterburner effect
I switched the NAV lights in the VC
Afterburner by pressing the letter "L" appears

This is actually the answer I expected.
I know no single real Aircraft that turns on automatically the Afterburner if you give full throttle ! Afterburners have always to be switched on! You do this with Shift F4 but only if you have more than 97% RPM. To cut off the Burner, just pull back the Throttle for a Moment. As the manual sais, "never use the L-Key" in any case ! There are Switches for the Lights in the VC.
To put a Switch for the Afterburner to the Cockpit was not possible, thats why you must use Shift-F4!
By the Way, the real Mirage is with 100% Fuel using the Afterburner after 6 Minutes totally dry ;), the reason the Burner had a Switch and was not automatically turned on.