Issue in duplicating an aircraft


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I want to have separate aircraft to wear @Foo Fighter's Operation Stovepipe skins. I successfully copied and renamed the Squanee's files so that two separate craft appear in the hanger. However, the new aircraft is still somehow linked to the original aircraft's texture directory. If I apply the skins to the new aircraft nothing changes, but if I apply the skins to the original aircraft then both original and new change. Is there something else I need to modify in the aircraft.cfg or the xdp file? I think that I've modified all the references to "f86a" in the file names and files...
If you want to make a Sabre with a new skin then I would leave the original Squanee folder alone.

This is what I did:

1. Copy the dpc_f86a_squanee main aircraft folder.
2. Rename the copied folder F-86A-5 STOVEPIPE FU-260.
3. Open the copied folder and study the pics below. Notice how the renaming of the main files in the folder is consistent/repeated. Pay attention to how the textures are renamed and how the renaming is consistent throughout the edited M3D and t.mos files. You will need a hex editor to edit the M3D and t.mos files. Notice that Squanee's main textures ( & are six characters long (-the .dds tag). The number of characters of the main texture must be strictly adhered to when changing to something else. Notice & are six characters each. You must respect the placement of each character in the M3D/t.mos when renaming. Start with f then carefully enter each succeeding character.
4. Delete the bdp file.

You can change the folder name to anything you desire. The same for the main aircraft files or textures so long as the texture names are repeated exactly in the M3D and t.mos files.
After a few of these making a stand alone will seem old hat:)

Success! I now have separate aircraft FU-260 and FU-281. Thank you again. I don't know if any of this is covered in the Aircraft SDK, but that link is broken in the library.