It takes so LONG to load the sim.....

Navy Chief

Senior Member
Do you folks have the same issue? The sim takes so long to load. I know there is a LOT of data, but wish it wasn't such a wait. NC
Hate to say it, but when I switched to a 40 gig internet connection instead of 12 gig, it halved my loading time.
This is what I have now:

Up to 300 Mbps download
Up to 30 Mbps upload
1.25 TB (1,280 GB) data plan

This is what I have now:

Up to 300 Mbps download
Up to 30 Mbps upload
1.25 TB (1,280 GB) data plan


You lucky americans with your fast speeds and insane data plans.

4 minutes 32 seconds is the best load time for me. What I like to do is to set it , then race upstairs to put a full milk coffee into the microwave for 4 minutes. Then it's a race. It's like a little mini game the outcome of which is what I will have for dinner. EG if the sim loads first, it's tacos if the coffee finishes first then it's salad... I've been eating a lot of salad. :untroubled:
2m 42 seconds here ( just to World Map) with a 200 Mps download, 100 upload on a SSD drive at 01:30 AM. Will check in the afternoon...curious about it
Are you on an SSD? Still takes about 3 minutes to load to the menu on my fast m.2 SSD. (Note that the Commodore 64 version took 2 minutes and 40 seconds. :) )
I'll be getting a new computer shortly. In the meantime my old Dell Dimension XPS30 takes over 10 minutes to start up FSX. If I can get down to less than 5 minutes with a new computer and FS2020 I'll be happy.
I might get better load times if I added ethernet to my make-shift docking setup, but that's just one more connection to worry with. I hit the icon in my start menu, go pour a drink, come back and hit the Any key, go get a bowl of chips, then sit down to start setting up a flight.