It would have been a lovely plane


Retired SOH Admin
A couple nights ago, I got in the mood to fly some between wars biplanes.....and one of them I flew was the Alphasim Bristol Bulldog IIA. A nice plane....but the excessive reflectivity on the skin lowers the overall quality somewhat. So, into Photoshop it goes. New wing details, new fuselage details...doing a repaint of the stock skin. Then I came across a green Finnish scheme....and I really liked it. So, I started slapping paint onto the Bulldog to reflect the Finnish bird...and that is when I found out why this really nice plane has not had a single repaint done for her (or at least none that I could find). There is a very fine line where the forward fuse area and the rear fuse area join that is not mapped to the texture sheet...a very fine line that stays gray. And on the upper most cowl tapper thingie...the middle of it is not texture mapped. So, in order to do various paints on the bird....a person would have to create a modified MDL file to give those non-textured areas the same color as what is put onto the skin. And I don't think I will do that!

I will finish the red-do of the stock skin, maybe do a few other skins that are in light colored (gray, aluminum dope, ect) in which the non-textured areas won't be quite as noticable.

But that Finnish job would have been a lovely plane.

It's one of my biggest sadnesses as a painter, when I see a plane with so much potential, and I become so excited to paint it, only to find it is extremely hard or even impossible to paint!
Not sure if it would help you at all, but I do have textures of a Bulldog supplied to the USN for evaluation. I can't tell you where I got it, or who did it because the original zip file disappeared as a result of a HD crash recently. Just done a search of the usual sites but drawn a blank but after a bit of searching my backups, found this filed under "U" instead of "B". (Fairly logical??)
If they would be of any use to you, I will quite happily send them.


I have a couple of pics/images of the US Navy Bulldog...and will be doing that scheme for sure...and maybe a few fictional US skins as well.

I HAVE to do the Finnish skin to completion...even if it means having an extra Model folder in the package. Big whoop! That Finnish bird in green with the yellow fuse band and that lovely blue swastika on the white background is too sharp to not Finnish (a little play on words LOL!).

And if there are other skins that require a tweaked MDL...what the heck, a few minutes changing material color to allow this bird to be given a new lease on life.

As with all my projects, I have no idea when...or if...I will actually get this one done. That darn AADD keeps getting in my way.


The US Navy paint already exisits -- Peter Watkins did it two years ago

If you search for Bulldog in the Pond library you will find it





Don't fret too much about the Finns and their Bulldogs Tim, most were the Mk.IV versions with a full chord cowling among other mods.
The profile I have for the Finnish Bulldog shows a IIA....very sharp looking plane. Unfortunately, the MDL material will NOT recolor. I spent 2 hours last night trying to get the material settings to change...and they would not budge. I double and triple checked to make sure that the MDL was no locked or read-only. The date on the MDL file changes, but the materials remain the same. So, I will finish the Finnish and we will just have to deal with a white spot on the very tip top cylinder fairing or whatever it's called.

I downloaded the US Navy skin from (The Pond).

I am sure it will be quite nice even with a slight discoloration. We'll just consider it a "field fix" that has not been painted yet :)

I know it would not be as cool a scheme as the gren but, you could just go with the silver and treat as one of the Swedish Bulldogs IIA's given to Finland. They flew alot of their airplanes in the original factory paints until they had to do major maintenance on them.