Italian A/Cs in Pat Pattle's BoB


Charter Member
Looking over some files I noticed 3 italian planes in my BoB Pat Pattle's install these are: BoB_CR42_85a, BoB_Fiat_BR20 and BoB_Fiat_G50. The country for these is "CAI" in the .xdp file and by default they fall into Britain not Germanty.
I cannot find where these aircraft are required mission or canpaing. Any idea?:dizzy:
"CAI" would be "Corpo Aereo Italiano" or "Italian Air Corp". Unless this is specified within the "country.xml", it would be assigned to britain. Change "Cai" to "Italy" within the .xdp and they should appear under Italy in QC.
Thank you itaflier for the info.
Since Pat Pattle's BoB does not have italy in the country.xml I added these to the german side.
Still looking for the missions these were destine to.
Hi Gosd,

Your country file should look like this at the top

<!--NEK BoB Edition-->
<Defaults CountryID="USA" PilotModel="Walker"/>
<Alliance ID="Allies" Name="Allies">
<Country ID="Britain"/>
<Country ID="USA"/>
<Country ID="Britain_FAA"/>
<Country ID="Poland"/>
<Alliance ID="Axis" Name="Axis">
<Country ID="Germany"/>
<Country ID="CAI"/>

In the last update I included more aircraft and pilots etc for Italy, flying out of Belgium. I believe someone made a historical mission calling on a hurricane to intercept BR20 bombers and some hurri's v's Cr42's

regards Rob.

regards Rob.
Capt. Winters,

I am definitely missing something since mine looks like this:

<Alliances> <Alliance ID="Allies" Name="Allies">
<Country ID="Britain" />
<Country ID="USA" />
<Alliance ID="Axis" Name="Axis">
<Country ID="Germany" />

So where can I fing the missing update?
Hi Gosd,

I'll have a chat with Clive and work out which files have been uploaded and which haven't. It may be that this work hasn't gotten off the deck yet.

the full set of files is approx 450mb I wont be in a position to upload to SOH for about a month. that's after speaking to Clive of coarse to make sure theres no clashes of work. theres all sorts of updates in it, country files, aircraft updates, menu files etc etc.

regards Rob.

below are some of the menus with new files for extra countries.


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