Has anyone been able to get this campaign to work? Every time I try to get started it comes up with another aircraft not found, I will the originator had better readmes available. Brian
Greetings, it seems like MAW is going through a revival of interest which is great. As far as the standard MAW installation is concerned, several periods of the war were not fully implemented. Only Greece 1940 and 1941, Malta 1940 and 1941, and Africa for the same periods IIRC. The campaign switcher has the capability to extend through to a later North African campaign, Tunisia based (early 1943?) and also an Italian campaign. So it is left to ad-hoc attempts to create campaigns for these later eras.
As MAW stands, without a LOT of tweaks, there are numerous problems. If you look at the entered service dates and particularly the left service dates for aircraft, vehicles and ships, dozens of changes need to be made so that the stock spawns (there are no era-specific spawn sets for Italy 1943) will generate a full suite of appropriate aircraft, ships and vehicles to populate Sicily and Italy.
As a personal exercise I found a lot of appropriate era skins, and aircraft, and tweaked xdp service dates for American, Britsh, and German vehicles and ships so that I could run a campaign starting in Sicily and it quickly progresses through to an invasion of the toe of Italy if you fly for an allied side. One of the problems is that most of the good allied ships are actually country=Britain_FAA. To get these ships to appear, you need to amend the country.xml so that Britain_FAA ships spawns as the default Allied spawn, as well as German stuff for the Axis powers.
Then I had to make sure there were reasonable Britain_FAA aircraft as Britain_FAA is the default Allied spawning country. I had to make sure the full suite of Brit FAA vehicles had appropriate entered service dates as well. I "commandeered" a few Italian destroyers and made them German, to make it looks like the Germans had helped themselves to the remnants of the Italian Navy in 1943. As well as tweaking ship spawns, ground spawns, and writing a 1943 Italy campaign where I tidied up landclasses and tweaked the campaign grid and map. All up hundreds of aircraft, vehicle, ship, weapon, sounds, effects, country.xml campaign.xml sounds xml and effects xml changes have been made to have a satisfying campaign that works properly.
I am happy to share what would need to be done is to set up a zip file with the hundreds of altered files which would need to overwrite the original install. Then there would be problems with the uisel.xml file which would need to be altered so the install would start up safely. It would require a bit of confidence in tweaking CFS3, and perhaps for safety having a complete backup of the original MAW v 1.31 install.