When I revisited this post this morning I got to thinking about it and realized just how much of a fossil I am. I started out working on B-52G and H models before they had the EVS mod. FB-111 for short time then T-33, F-101, F-106, during this time also helped mount an F-102 on pedestal. Flew in C-131 quite a few times (C-131 only aircraft I ever saw that used more oil than avgas), C-130, KC-135, C-7, KC-10. C-141, F-4, and C-5. Went from F-101s to F-4Cs, and then to F-16C & D models. Loaded and maintained AGM69A SRAMs, ATR Genies, AIM-4s, AIM-9E-P-L-Ms, AIM-7, AIM-120, SU-23 20MM Gun Pods, M31A 20MM (F-16), MK82s, MK84s, CBUs, BDUs, LGBs, Chaff, Flares, and more. I have loaded more Impulse Carts and cleaned more breeches and gun barrels than I care to even want to remember. For 29 years if it had to do with our assigned aircraft and weapons or explosives I stored it, inspected it, handled it, prepped it, put it together, or loaded. Lost most of my hearing on my right side and I think I've had more than 1000 stitches in my head suffering from Buff, Vodoo, Phantom, and Falcon bites at one time or another. And last but not least enjoyed every minute and would do it all again in a heart beat. God I miss the smell of JP4 and jet exhaust. My wife says that smell was better than aftershave and we got three kids to prove it, she loved it as much as I did. We've been married now for 39 years, she says the first 30 years of our marriage she shared me with another, but the last 9 have been all hers.